Permanent government expansion is underway.
This week’s expansion pack comes courtesy of President Biden’s latest executive order, which builds equity police into the bones of the federal government.
The self-proclaimed, “most diverse [Administration] in our Nation’s history” wants to take its success a step further, mandating its own diversity be reflected throughout all federal departments.
To ensure this enforcement, “agency equity teams” must be deployed by each secretary within their respective agencies within 30 days of the executive order.
President Biden, by his own admission, is hoping to entrap the federal government in a “multi-generational commitment” to “embed equity into all aspects of Federal decision-making.”
The victim narrative will be baked into the American cake.
These new positions for social reformation will be filled by presidential appointees and career officials. New officers will not be answerable to the American people, nor are they likely to be felled by the winds of political change.
Insistent on the narrative that claims systematic oppression of certain racial and minority groups, Biden makes clear this is “not a one-time project,” but rather a “whole-of-government approach.”
Just what the American government needs – more superfluous, unelected officials pulling strings behind federal curtains. Not only that, but officials who will remain behind the curtain long after the White House clears out and is reoccupied by a new president.
“By redoubling our efforts, the Federal Government can help bridge the gap between the world we see and the future we seek,” the executive order postulates.
The feds have no business handcrafting a future for the American people. They have no business using these new officials to formulate the perfect combination of intersectional persons.
Not only does this equity campaign hope to instate more racial minorities in positions of power, but also religious minorities, women and girls, LGBT+ persons, and people from rural communities.
This is just one more example of how the politicians in power will never limit themselves. In fact, they will do everything within their power to ensure their agendas live unchecked long after their power is recalled.
It is up to We the People to reel in this bloating government by calling an Article V convention of states.