Most of our federal officials have enough polish not to admit in public that they think of themselves as better than the constituents they supposedly serve.
But not Freshman Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She let the cat out of the bag last Friday at an event in Queens, New York, when she yelled "I'm the boss!" when it comes to fixing climate change.
"Like I just introduced the Green New Deal two weeks ago, and it's creating all of this conversation. Why? Because no one else has even tried. Because no one else has even tried," she said.
"So people are like, 'Oh it's unrealistic. Oh it's vague. Oh it doesn't address this little minute thing,'" she added. "And I'm like, 'You try. You do it. Cuz you're not. Cuz you're not. So, until you do it, I'm the boss.' How about that?'"
This elitist attitude is exactly why millions of Americans have joined the Convention of States Project.
An Article V Convention of States has the power to propose constitutional amendments that put the federal government back in its constitutional box.
These amendments can address the ballooning federal bureaucracy, the out-of-control national debt, and the cancer of career politicians.
But they can also do something less tangible, though no less important: these amendments can remind our federal officials of their place in our constitutional republic.
Our Representatives and Senators are no better than average Americans, and they should be grateful for the chance to serve our great country. By limiting their power, we can send the message that they exist to serve us -- not the other way around.
Sign the Convention of States Petition below to show your support!