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Dumbing Down the Conservative Movement in America

Published in Blog Opposition on April 30, 2023 by David P Schneider

Picture I took from Feb 23, 2023 - Wyoming capitol building during a committee hearing on Convention of States. Both groups were in agreement that using the constitutional process in Article V was a bad idea and were in total agreement on the reasons why - FEAR.

The John Birch Society (JBS) was founded in 1958 by candy maker, businessman and former United States Marine, Robert Welch. He began publishing a magazine called American Opinion which he used to spread his anti-communist, anti-government views. The name comes from a Christian missionary who was killed by Chinese communists in 1945.

The JBS say they were founded to be an intelligence arm of the conservative movement. History illustrates a much different picture. Lack of thoughtful intelligence and reasoning skills have helped their worst fears to bear fruit, in part due to their willful ignorance and lack of a cohesive strategy to combat the forces they pretend to stand against.

Recognizing the problems and identifying the responsible parties in today's society are the easy parts. We all know that America is slipping into a more socialistic society driven by the elitists whom always know what is best. With woke companies pushing their ideology seemingly at every turn, our country is slipping ever closer to collapse. Solutions, that is the tough part.

The John Birch Society has largely spent its tenure pointing out the problems in America over their 70 years, but their conspiracy theory-riddled minds get sidetracked before ever solving anything. They are the leftist's dream, as they are easily distracted. Instead of working through solutions, they seem to be the first to try to find a camera and record some circus video exclaiming DOOM!

Yes, the JBS are the DOOM predictors. They continually exclaim "we told you so" about communist influencers infiltrating our schools and government. One should ask: why did they not prevent it? They have zero solutions and seem only able to play the short game on defense.

One could say that the JBS are the ultimate DOOM enablers. They are quick to tell you that there is a crisis, but they shy away from solutions because their minds can't seem to work past the fears involved to a solution. The "risk v. reward" calculations that every rational person must make daily are lost on this bunch.

Take a convention for proposing amendments to the United States Constitution, for example. The process in Article V of the Constitution spells out a solution for addressing problems stemming from an overreaching federal government. It was put into the document for that exact reason. According to Madison's notes from the drafting, Col George Mason was insistent that an oppressive government would never impose restrictions upon itself. So the state legislators were entrusted with this power to curtail the federal overreach through the Convention of States process.

In its beginning, the John Birch Society embraced this solution. John Welch traveled the country in the 1950's pushing an application under Article V for a Convention of States to propose the "Liberty Amendment". He is on record in several state legislatures testifying for state resolutions that would have added those states to the effort to eliminate the income tax. Today, they have bought into a conspiracy theory started by those from the left about a "runaway convention," and oppose efforts to gain reforms like a Balanced Budget Amendment, Term Limits on Congress, and elimination of the Income Tax.

The John Birch Society seems to offer nothing of value to the Conservative movement in America. They say we must promote education, while they rewrite our history and claim that our Founding Fathers were not honorable in their actions in writing and adopting our Constitution. They cherry-pick quotes from these men to try and sound smart, while at the same time twisting their quotes out of context and ignoring the original meaning of their words.

The John Birch Society has been a force of negativity in America since its original founder passed. It has been against things; never for things. It has never passed meaningful reforms or effected meaningful restoration of conservative principles. It has stood side by side in state after state with some of the most leftist groups in America, while claiming to be the most conservative.

Do not be fooled: associating with this lot will set you back in your efforts to save this nation. Get behind groups actually pushing toward restoration of our Founders' vision of federalism, personal accountability, and self-governance. Our founders were solution-based and brave, we must be too.

David P. Schneider - is a Regional Director for Convention of States based out of Kansas

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