The Supreme Court is set to hand down its final rounds of decisions in the next few weeks. Many Americans are anxiously waiting for their rulings, but as Antonin Scalia explains in the clip below, that's part of our problem.
"I'm not sure how long a people can accommodate itself to directives from a life-tenured judiciary that was never meant to be responsive without losing a sense of control of its own destiny," he said.
"We are all sitting breathless, waiting for the Supreme Court to tell us what our fundamental beliefs are without having a hope of getting anything done about it if the Supreme Court should find that our fundamental beliefs are, in fact, different from what our fundamental beliefs are."
If you're tired of judicial fiat, of the Court having the power to dictate laws for all 50 states, you've come to the right place.
An Article V Convention of States is the only real recourse to bad Supreme Court decisions. The Court rarely reverses course, and Congress will never propose the constitutional amendments necessary to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.
That's why the Founders included the Convention of States option in Article V of the Constitution. A Convention of States is called and controlled by the states and has the power to propose constitutional amendments. These amendments can reverse bad SCOTUS rulings, limit the Court's power, and restore self-governance to states across the country.
Scalia knew the solution to the problems we face in 2019. It's time we use it. Sign the Petition below to let your state legislators know you've joined the Article V movement!