This clip from CNN's Don Lemon is wrong in so many ways. Before we dive in, you just need to watch it.
Lemon's suggestion that we "blow up the entire system" is laughable on its face. Our country's system of governance has created the greatest, freest, most powerful country in the history of the world.
And while the evils of slavery and Jim Crow will forever stain our nation's legacy, our system allowed freedom to ultimately prevail. The greatest civil rights leaders used the ideas enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution to advocate for the equal treatment of all Americans, and we elected an African American president for two terms only a generation after segregation.
None of that would have been possible without the system of governance the Founders put in place. That system allows our country to continuously improve without falling into the violent, bloody revolutions that have destroyed other countries. It's a system we should protect, cherish, and continue to improve -- not one we should destroy.
To be fair to Lemon, he may be advocating the destruction of our system of governance because he doesn't understand how it works.
In the next portion of the clip, he makes a strange comment that reveals his extreme ignorance about our constitutional structure. He claims that if the Democrats win the Senate, they can pack the Supreme Court and "get rid of the elctoral college."
As CNN's Chris Cuomo points out, getting rid of the electoral college requires a constitutional amendment. Constitutional amendments must be proposed by two-thirds of Congress or the states, and ratification requires the approval of three-quarters of the states.
None of this seems to phase Lemon. He continues to assert that "they may be able to do that," and Cuomo admits, "maybe."
As Convention of States' Gunny Bud Cornwell (USMC Ret.) points out in his recent podcast, Lemon may be "one of the biggest boneheads I've ever seen." (Starts at 10:40)
It's true that the Supreme Court has re-interpreted the Constitution to, essentially, amend the Constitution without the approval of the states. But getting rid of the electoral college is such a drastic change that not even the most activist Supreme Court justices would be able to get away with it.
It's also true that we need constitutional amendments to fix our country -- but not the kind Lemon wants.
We need constitutional amendments that will restore our original system of government -- not blow it up. We need constitutional amendments that limit the power of the federal government and force Congress to be fiscally responsible. We need constitutional amendments that return power to the states and the people, and get federal bureaucrats out of our daily lives. We need constitutional amendments that limit the terms of office for federal officials and encourage citizen-statesmen rather than career politicians.
All of these amendments would help restore the Founders' vision for our country, and they're all possible with a Convention of States.
Over four million Americans have joined the Convention of States movement, and 15 of the necessary 34 states have passed our resolution. Click here to learn more and read the petition below to see what we're all about.