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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


The Importance of Developing a Grassroots Army

Published in Blog on June 17, 2021 by Dana Cosley

Meet Jean Borden, Florida Region 6 Captain, District 53 Captain, and State Grassroots Coordinator.   

Jean grew up in Boston, MA, in a family of proud Americans. She is one of fourteen US Veterans in this group of wholehearted patriots, raised to revere her country by her beloved father who has sadly passed away in recent days.

Jean has lived in fourteen countries and thirty States. She is an Army Veteran of the Women’s Army Corp and has worked as a computer programmer, analyst and troubleshooter until August 1978. Never one to be a wallflower, she didn’t think it would be fair to not serve her country when each of her male Veteran relatives had been drafted into the Vietnam conflict. Her natural tendency to be “one of the guys” made her decision to serve easier than one would assume, considering the oddity of her decision in the period she served in.

In 1978, shortly after the completion of her service, Jean became a fervent constitutional activist and from 1991-1998, she and her fellow grassroots activists fought against the ISTEA bill sponsored by John Chaffee of Rhode Island, which threatened to strip the States of their sovereignty.

Fast forward to today, where the rapid deterioration in governance over the past five months has confirmed our worst assessments of the swamp, deep and vile. Jean has long been aware of the Convention of States Project and agreed with its goals. In February, 2021, Jean signed the COS petition and volunteered her leadership skills to Florida, where she has been a resident since the late 90’s.

Jean believes developing a grassroots army is essential and has herself been involved in similar developments before, concentrating on activating and combating bad policy in numerous other arenas, thus giving power to the people. She finds the COS project’s basis is its grassroots army and by her observations, it is a most well-organized operation which she attributes to its leadership. “Mark Meckler has remained a focused and dedicated leader of this crucial project.”

Never questioning the benefit of Article V, Jean had taken her 1st Constitutional Law class by the age of 17 and quickly came to better understand the brilliant group of men who wrote the US Constitution. She describes herself as a proud American who greatly reveres the forefathers. They were men who had the foresight of potential noxious overreach by a tyrannical government. They provided us the ability to take our power back.

Jean says it is critical we target the next generation. In the past, she found major inroads could then, and still can, be made through the ROTC. We must not leave kids out of the discussion nor out of proximity. They must be taught about US history accurately. When hosting a table or booth at an event, Jean will have a smaller table set up with patriotic coloring books and bold Red, White and Blue crayons for the kids to be occupied with while Jean speaks with the parents. There, the kids can be receptive to connecting with what they’re not being taught in school… LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.                                             

When you build a house, you don’t start with the roof, you begin with the basement. In building a foundation of values in our nation, this equals quality civics education and engagement with local government. Citizens must get involved locally. If you can’t physically attend your city council meetings, read the city council transcripts as an alternative.

Our former President has effectively awakened the Nation. We can no longer be silent, for complacency plus silence is what led us to these shackles in the first place.

When she signed up for military service in 1974, Jean's signature would have made John Hancock proud. She wrote it large and clear and took her oath. The oath is to the Creator: “So help me God.” For Jean, that oath did not end when she left the service.

Jean Borden - FL Regional Capt.

There are two forces in this world; good and evil. And if you don’t stand on the side of good, you are allowing evil to permeate. Jean is thankful for her parents where she learned the proper order of GOD – FAMILY – COUNTRY.

Jean knows the time is coming. We will raise our individual voices in unity and stir Congress. We can absolutely cut the scope of the bloated federal government through an Article V Convention of States. 

Florida Volunteers, are you ready to step into your own boots and lead the way?

Sign the form below to become a District Captain!

We pray for Jean's father and offer her family compassion and condolences as they grieve. He was a most loyal and patriotic American who longed to have served. Jean credits him with much of her own understanding and passion for defending this country and upholding its principles outlined in the original US Constitution.

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