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Declassified FISA court records show massive abuse

Published in Blog on October 10, 2019 by Shawn Comstock

On Tuesday secret surveillance court rulings were partially declassified regarding Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

There are findings of massive abuse by federal government employees that violate the law and the Constitution. 

In a single day in December 2017, the secret court documents described an incident where federal employees ran 6,800 Social Security numbers on NSA databases. The FISA system is only supposed to be used to conduct investigation on foreign spies, but it sure seems to work just as well to illegally spy on American citizens.

Until recently, federal government employees were not even keeping track of the number of searches. In fact they were not documenting anything regarding their use of the system, which clearly includes personally identifiable information like a Social Security number. 

NSA Databases

What information might be in the NSA database about you? Virtually anything electronic transmitted over the internet, including your personal phone conversations, are captured by the big spy machine that Edward Snowden warned everyone about in 2013. 

Senator Ron Wyden had this to say about the secret court's findings:

"The information released today also reveals serious abuses in the FBI’s backdoor searches, underscoring the need for the government to seek a warrant before searching through mountains of private data on Americans. Finally, I am concerned that the government has redacted information in these releases that the public deserves to know."

Wyden indicated the FISA court ruling showed that Congress should never have accepted the FBI’s assurance that it was unable to account for its backdoor searches. He also said the government was still hiding evidence of illegal behavior.

Powerful Influence for Corruption

We're just now finding out how the powerful influence of this corruption is making some of our most trusted government employees break the law. It is all being done in secret under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, but it is remarkable this redacted FISA court document found the light of day to the public.

The U.S. Constitution's Fourth Amendment protects us from warrantless searches. These court findings indicate that is exactly what is going on and it should be no surprise to anyone that absolute power corrupts absolutely, as history has shown many times. 

There is an organization seeking to rein in the out-of-control federal government, and they need your help. The Convention of States is made up of people just like you who are tired of this corruption.

Visit the website today and do your part to make a difference. 

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