Australians will soon find it more difficult to purchase gas cars as banks prepare to terminate offering loans on new fossil fuel vehicles.
One bank took the lead last week by announcing it will end fossil fuel car loans by 2025, even though electric vehicles make up just 2% of all vehicles in Australia currently.
While the customer-owned Bank Australia serves 185,000 customers – a fraction of the nation’s population – it’s a notable step towards what could soon be a communist consumer market.
The bank says until there is a thriving electric vehicle market, it will continue to offer loans for used gas cars for those who are “not yet able to afford an electric vehicle while the market grows," The Guardian reports.
Apparently they think one day the entire population will happily be able to spend a minimum of $50,000 on a car. The only possibility of that lies in a coordinated effort with the government through legislation incentivizing these types of sales.
Instead of remaining independent entities, the problem we see occurring all too much is bribery between businesses and the government.
“Ultimately, our announcement today is the beginning of a conversation with our customers and a signal to the wider market that if you’re considering buying a new car, you should think seriously about an electric vehicle – both for its impact on the climate and for its lifetime cost savings,” said Bank Australia Chief Impact Officer Sasha Courville.
But what’s at the heart of the issue? Capitalism and the individual choice to buy whatever one prefers; thus, another form of control stemming from government oversight.
The Australian government’s climate change minister, Chris Bowen, encourages states and territories to work together on electric vehicle strategies. Politicians like Bowen push the narrative that elective vehicles are cheaper because there is no cost at the pump, but the fact is, electric bills – which likely stem from fossil fuel power plants – will rise.
We continue to see Australia as a prime example of what happens when citizens become too accepting of excessively powerful government policies. Their willingness to give up most firearms in 1996 was the start of tyrannical leadership in the government.
Liberty, once surrendered, is rarely returned.
Americans recognize that Australia became a government-dependent nation when their right to bear arms was confiscated, and Americans also recognize that the freedom to choose what to purchase is an individual right, not something that should be influenced by Biden, the banks and the rich.
America is headed in the same direction thanks to the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, which will spark more electric vehicle sales because of the tax credit incentive – a burden that falls on taxpayers.
The few at the top are spending our money and telling us what we need, but that’s not the way Americans live, which is why Convention of States is telling the feds "NO more."
No to endless spending and no to dictating what we drive and how we live. Calling an Article V Convention of States is the only solution to sending this clear and powerful message to the elites working jointly in the government and in corporate America.
Join us in the fight to call a Convention of States by signing the petition below.