COSA PA continues the climb to becoming the most effective grassroots activist army in Pennsylvania by building personal relationships with the legislators in Harrisburg!
As the federal government accelerates its growth and expands the usurped power at its disposal, people from every walk of life, across the gamut of political beliefs are looking for a solution to the forced mandates that don't allow them to decide what is best for themselves and their families.
Engaged volunteers from COSA PA are working tirelessly to inform everyone there is a SOLUTION AS BIG AS THE PROBLEM!
These dedicated patriots are holding in-person meetings, online webinars, attending community events handing out literature dressed in "COS Chic", or just talking to everyone they meet to spread our positive unifying message one person at a time if necessary.
Last week our message reached another 37 patriots who signed the petition to ask their state representatives to return the expropriated power concentrated in D.C. to the states and to "We the People" where it rightly belongs.
Presently we have 95,702 stalwarts who have signed the COS petition.
If you haven't already done so, sign the petition and join the volunteer army in Pennsylvania; then tell everyone you meet - "We the People" can fix the structural problems in Washington without their permission; they are servants, not royalty.