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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!

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COSA PA is counting down to 100.000 petitions signed in the Keystone State!

Published in Spread the Word Blog on April 11, 2023 by COSA PA Comms Team

COSA PA continues to accelerate toward the escape velocity necessary to break free of the usurped power unconstitutionally concentrated in D.C.; we fired full thrust to climb ever higher toward 100,000 petition signers.

Last week our message reached another 190 patriots who declared, “I am a Keeper…” by signing the petition to ask their state representatives to end the federal government's over-reach into their lives and restore the written Constitution's checks and balances that limit government and allow them to "pursue happiness" as they see fit.

Presently we have 95,268 Keepers who have signed petitions.

COSA PA is pleased to introduce you to another Servant Leader who is actively working to restore our Republic in SEPA's Region 6 because the "Blessings of Liberty" we have enjoyed for the past 247 years were bestowed upon us by God almighty!

Please meet Region 6's Regional Captain Ruth Hoskins, who in April of 2021, signed the petition, volunteered her leadership abilities, and became the 71,255th petition signer.

In her own words...

Love and Freedom: God brought Convention of States Action to me.

I spent my life in spiritual pursuits. The result and the bottom line for me are that God is in total control of every situation, with no ifs ands, or buts. My job, as one of his children, is to tune in and listen and see what God wants me to do.

After the shocking results of the 2020 election, tuning in and finding direction was at the front of my mind.

I, like most of my friends, kept asking, “What happened here?” This was the beginning of my awakening about the United States government, an entity I truly believed at that time, had my best interests at heart.

A government I believed would never hurt its citizens and would always protect us from foreign and domestic enemies.

“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”

In the past two years, I learned that the government, its officials, and Government agencies, are not the Marines and other military units that swear an oath to protect the country and its citizens. I learned, especially after the 2020 election and all through the pandemic, that the government was not what it appeared to be. 

Prior to the 2020 election, I believed my government had my back. 

I believed in a government that did not spy on its citizens.

I believed in a government that would protect me.

I believed in a government that did not persecute people with different beliefs, faiths, and political ideologies, or censor people, especially the President of the United States.

I believed in a government that did not lie. A government that cared about truth and its people.

“God tell me what I need to do to bring truth to people and to help others. Direct me, and I will surrender to your will.” 

During this time, we were living through the pandemic sorting lies from truth, lie’s that have since been exposed. Lies the CDC told, now retracted and posted on their website. But let me digress.

For twenty-five years, I volunteered for the American Red Cross in Philadelphia PA. I was the lead for the disaster mental health response team. I responded to critical incidents and trained in Critical Incident Stress Management. (CISM) I traveled and trained for the American Red Cross to the military on critical incident stress. 

Happily, I did so.

I loved volunteering for the ARC and never questioned the goodness of the government or the agency’s mission. I cared only about helping people the same way I did after 911 when I went up to New York City and facilitated groups and individual counseling for people traumatized after the Twin Towers fell to the ground killing thousands of innocent people. At that time, I prayed and was glad that I was guided to help others.

At the beginning of the pandemic, volunteering for the ARC ended. My attention was turned to sorting out the ongoing lies that continue to this day about the effectiveness of the vaccines, and social distancing, which has since been retracted as something that was “made up,” I was pulled in another direction.

What was that direction? I wondered since prior to the pandemic and the 2020 election, my life was spent in the field of psychology, individual and group work, drug and alcohol, domestic violence, run away and homeless youth and disaster mental health and stress management.

I wasn’t interested in government or politics. I took freedom for granted. I believed my government loved me and cherished freedom equally for all citizens. I believed that the power of prayer and meditation would reach all people and open their hearts.

The answer I heard in prayer was, let go and learn all you can about what is happening to our great country, America. “You are losing your freedom. Now is the time to stand up and fight, peacefully.”

I needed a way to do so.

Waking up to the truth is a slow process. Fortunately, I had friends that already “got it” before me. People I loved and trusted. People who helped me understand this one unfailing point about the government.

The government does not care about me or my family in the way I thought it did. It does not ask the question that I identified with during the Kennedy era; “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

 It asked one and only one thing.

When I speak, believe what I say is true. Don’t question authority. The government is the absolute authority.

One day, whether it was through an internet search, a talk show (which I think it was), or something else. I was led to Convention of States Action. I began to learn to care about my country in a way I have never cared about before. I was ready to fight for it and to keep it free. I could not stand by and watch the greatest Republic with the longest-living Constitution shredded daily by the government. 

My prayers were answered. I found the "Solution as Big as the Problem" and began to study and learn by reading the resources and watching the COSUniversity videos.

Convention of States Action offered a course called Servant Leadership. A course that takes the reader into the reality of life that I identify with, live truthfully and with courage in the here and now. There is a transcendent reality, a “there” that brings us closer to God, always something to strive for. 

I could go on and on about the gifts of Convention of States Action. The COSA initiative is about Self-Governance which I call accountability. Once I was waking up, I was accountable to myself, my family, my friends, my country, to speak the truth and to fight for freedom peacefully, kindly, and with love.

Convention of States Action teaches that the United States Constitution is a document written by men, given by God. 

The United States Constitution is a sacred document.

It is a document that has protected us all and given me the best life to explore without censorship who I AM, and what I want to be.

Convention of States Action has taught me to be courageous and strong. To speak the truth lovingly and to bring the message of freedom, determination, and equality for all. A message of “We the People.” A collective truth that together “We” stand and fight for freedom that is our inalienable right. Together we will take our country back from tyranny. Together, we will bring the power back to the people, back to the states where it belongs.

Well said Ruth; COSA PA will only add Amen.

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