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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


COSA PA is counting down to 100,000 petitions signed in the Keystone State!

Published in Spread the Word Blog on July 24, 2023 by COSA PA Comms Team

COSA PA's volunteers are ringing the bell of freedom wherever people are gathering all across the Commonwealth. 

As the federal government continues to concentrate power they were never granted and devise fresh ways to exert their will that abuse the inalienable God-given rights our Constitution guarantees.

The sound of freedom echoes in the ears of those citizens looking for a solution to their growing concern about their children's and grandchildren's future. COSA's positive unifying message - There is a Solution as Big as the Problem - tolls loudly and clearly in their souls.

Last week our message reached another 38 patriots who signed the petition!

96,455 Keepers have told their legislators to include Pennsylvania in the list of states calling for an Article V convention of states to propose amendments to the Constitution that will restore the proper balance of power between the states and the federal government.

If you want to add your voice, sign the petition and volunteer to help that message reach others still searching for a miracle.

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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