COSA PA's team of active patriots is working diligently to spread our positive unifying message to anyone that hasn't heard - There is a Solution as big as the Problem.
As the federal government's growth continues exponentially without accountability, our volunteers are building relationships with their legislators to demonstrate their sincerity to support the legislator if they honor their oath of office and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. The state legislatures are the key to locking the federal government's rampant expansion.
The tidal wave of moral support necessary to accomplish this feat is building larger each day as more people hear our message, build relationships with their legislators, and signal continued support if the legislator would show leadership in this crisis when leadership is in such short supply.
Last week our message reached another 130 patriots who signed the petition!
So far, 96,417 Keepers have heeded Ben Franklin's wise council, and are working to waken the "sleeping giant" once again, and this time, fill it with a steadfast resolve to defend liberty at all costs.
If you want to heed your "Uncle Sam's" call to action, sign the petition and join the team that is going to save this Republic and define liberty for future generations to emulate when the government tries to usurp power again.
And rest assured, the elites will never stop trying to grow the government.