COSA PA's team of servant leaders is setting an example for all to emulate by spreading our positive unifying message to everyone they meet - There is a Solution as big as the Problem.
As the federal government usurps the enumerated powers left to the states without any liability, our volunteers are working overtime to educate the citizens of this Commonwealth about becoming self-governing and holding their representatives accountable to the oath they swore to defend the Constitution.
The tidal wave of moral support necessary to accomplish this feat is building larger each day as more people hear our message, build relationships with their legislators, and signal continued support if the legislator would show leadership in this crisis when leadership is in such short supply.
COSA PA's servant leaders proudly wear the message for all to see!
Last week our message reached another 129 patriots who signed the petition!
So far, 96,287 liberty-loving Pennsylvanians are tired of the regulator state growing in D.C. and want to limit the scope and jurisdiction of the edicts spewing from the minds of tyrants determined to decide what is best for America. That is the real problem; in this country "We the People" get to decide what is best for ourselves and our families!
If you want to decide for yourself how to live your life, sign the petition and join the team that is going to dismantle the "House of Cards" erected in Washington.