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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!

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COSA PA is counting down to 100.000 petitions signed in the Keystone State!

Published in Spread the Word Blog on March 29, 2023 by COSA PA Comms Team

COSA PA is growing by leaps and bounds daily; we are rapidly surging toward 100,000 petition signers.

Last week our message reached another 45 patriots who declared, “I am a Keeper…” by signing the petition to ask their elected representatives to add Pennsylvania to the growing list of states calling for a Convention of States under Article V of the Constitution to allow statesmen of today to define the proper role of government in the 21st century and beyond.

Presently we have 95,001 Keepers who have signed petitions.

COSA PA is excited to introduce you to a proud patriot whose passionate support for this country, our Constitution, and the goals of this important mission are true examples of duty and personal honor we all need to exemplify.

Please meet the man who, in December of 2019, signed the petition, volunteered his valuable time, and became the 50,000th petition signer.

In his own words...

"I’m Uncle Bob Trumbauer aka Ben Franklin. I’m a Keeper... a keeper of the Republic.

It started here at Independence Hall in Philadelphia. 11 score and 16 years ago, the States gave the Federal Government limited powers. All the remaining powers belong to the States and/or We the People.

It’s time to bring back to the States, the powers taken by Congress and the Courts. It’s time to use the Constitution to save the Constitution. It’s time to call for a peaceful Article V “Convention of States.”

When I joined the USAF in December 1970, I took an Oath to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That Oath never expires. I did my time against the foreign. It’s now time to deal with the domestic.

To this end, we should pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our Sacred Honor. Fear did not stop our Founding Fathers. It should not stop us from doing our duty.

Well said Uncle Bob, well said!

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Convention of states action

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