Undaunted by Virginia's COS resolution (HJ3) being ignored by the 2022 General Assembly, the COS Virginia state leaders rolled up their sleeves.
Knowing that there is no political problem a more engaged grassroots can't fix, the team assessed the 72,000 COS supporters in Virginia, of whom 7000+ have agreed to volunteer.
Thus it was decided that the agenda of the May 7, State Leadership Summit in Charlottesville would focus on training and activating volunteers.
Although Convention of States has amazing tools and on-line training resources, meeting face to face with our volunteers, especially the District Captains, would enhance engagement.
Foundational to our organization, District Captains are assigned to their own House District where they educate their neighbors, building them into a team to be called upon for outreach events and meetings with legislators to spur action on our COS resolution, while growing a self-governance ethics to maintain Constitutional rights.
Thus District Captains and the volunteers from their house districts arrived in Charlottesville, where they learned how to use powerfully effective tools and strategy to grow and activate the grassroots in their districts.
Special speakers from the National Team included Regional Director Grant Martin and National Block Walking Coordinator Andrew Barkman, each of whom presented motivating ideas.
Surprise guest, COS President Mark Meckler, teleconferenced on the big screen. After an inspiring speech Meckler participated in a Q&A with the attendees.
Virginia's new State Director, John Dahmen, updated the team on the recent history of our COS resolution and shared his view of our state efforts going forward.
Want to join the COS Virginia team where you, too, can be part of the solution as big as the problem in Washington, D.C.?
Your children and grandchildren will thank you!