Convention of States Virginia volunteer Milton Clary organized a COS information table at the recent gun show in Chantilly, Virginia, which was strategically placed near the front entrance of the venue.

"Due to Milt’s savoir-faire with the folks at Showmasters, we had an excellent spot in the Center this year," said Regional Captain Harry Herchert.
Nearly 300 petitions were signed by frustrated citizens in Virginia and other states who want to rein in the federal government.

Throughout the weekend Clary cheered on his team of volunteers and provided the following helpful tips:
From my experience, I had a lot of success by simply asking a passerby “Would you like to sign a petition to save our country?” That would give me 30 seconds to make or break the deal. Most of the time, I was successful as I quickly summarized the “who decides” part of the COS effort: term limits, fiscal restraint and limits on government overreach. Most people are for us. At several points we had four clipboards in play at the same time. If you’ve got someone heads-down filling out a form and you see someone walking by, grab another clip board and ask the question to that person. A couple of times I had three people going at the same time. It’s hard but satisfying work.

"Whenever I saw somebody walking by and glancing up and being captured by the signs I knew they were potentially receptive to our message," said District Captain Jeff Fuller.

District Captain Thomas Black enjoyed both getting petition signatures and meeting other COS patriots:
Not only was the gun show great fun, it was a pleasure meeting a lot of the folks I’ve either been talking or emailing with. This was a wonderful introduction to COS in action for me. I think we all did a heckova job getting signatures. The booth was very impressive and caught lots of peoples’ attention. I’m looking forward to the next show so we can break the 400 mark.
You too can rein in the federal government by signing the petition below. Copies of the petition will be forwarded to your state legislators to let them know you want them to use their unique role in calling a Convention of States.