Consideration of the COS resolution moves east to Providence, Rhode Island, on Thursday, February 27, when the House State Government & Elections Committee will hear testimony regarding House Joint Resolution 5385, the application to Congress to call a limited-purpose Article V convention.
Catch the hearing on COS LIVE beginning at 4:30 ET:
HJR 5385 was introduced by Rep. Arthur J. Corvese on February 7. He is a member of the Democratic Party who represents District 55 in North Providence, and is second vice chair of the House State Government & Elections Committee.
COS Rhode Island has worked consistently and persistently to not only advance the resolution in Providence, but to educate more and more legislators in the General Assembly about Article V and the process.
"The Rhode Island team is excited to attend the committee hearing on Thursday in the House State Government & Elections Committee," said Northeast Patriots Region director Haley Shaw.
"This is the third year that the team has presented testimony before the committee and leading up to the hearing they have been busy preparing testimony as well as meeting with legislators. Every year the Rhode Island legislature learns more about Convention of States and Article V. This year the team is asking the committee to pass the resolution and give the entire House the opportunity to debate and vote on the resolution."
Be sure to watch the testimony from Providence on February 27 at 4:30 ET, and keep an eye on the blog for continued coverage during this busy legislative season!