I checked the front pages of CNN, Fox, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Forbes. President Biden or Trump (or both) appeared on every one.
But, of course, they did. This is election season, after all. Plus, Biden is set to deliver his State of the Union tonight. And with Haley officially out of the way, Trump is all but guaranteed to clinch the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.
But notably missing from this week’s headlines are the true heroes of the hour — the everyday men and women who are making history, undetected (or snubbed) by the media.
I am referring, of course, to the Convention of States grassroots, a formidable army of patriots active in every state legislative district, advocating for an amendments convention under Article V of the United States Constitution. They are, indeed, a formidable political force to be reckoned with. Ask almost any state legislator in America who the COS grassroots are, and they will tell you. In state politics, COS is unavoidable.
And yet the media — barring an occasional attack (such as this one from MSNBC) — have basically determined that the COS grassroots are nonexistent (last year, a member of Congress went so far as to suggest that the grassroots are merely “astroturf”). Even as we sweep the nation, most outlets refuse to cover our progress.
SEE ALSO: COS Time Capsule - First state in history passes COS resolution
But don’t be fooled — that doesn’t mean we aren’t making any progress. To the contrary, the grassroots, it seems, have been everywhere all at once this year, pushing relentlessly for a cause that enjoys arguably more support than any other.
Over the past two weeks alone, our trained political operatives assembled in droves at state capitals in Washington, Indiana, Minnesota, Arizona, Georgia, Maryland, and Mississippi, impacting countless legislators with their passion for Article V. These events followed on the heels of many more like it in January and February. Oh, and did I mention that several more states will follow suit in the coming weeks? In addition, over 20 states have filed COS-related legislation, backed by hundreds of legislative co-sponsors.
Name one other organization that has experienced such widespread support in little over two months. I’ll wait.
And while the media has turned a blind eye to our explosive growth, the undeniable truth is that COS is taking the country by storm. With over five million supporters and active efforts to promote COS in every state, there has never been a better time to enlist in this army. So, sign the petition below, and get involved in the grassroots fight to save America today.
COS grassroots blitz upgrades to Category 5
Published in Blog on March 07, 2024 by Jakob Fay