“I have been granted incredible blessings in my life,” professed Convention of States Regional Director Jonathan Viaud. “And frankly, I don’t deserve any of them.”
This week’s COS at Home may not have gone off without a hitch (our slated guest, Representative Chip Roy, could not attend due to travel complications), but that does not mean it was any less of an inspiration. Indeed, COS at Home host, grassroots favorite, and cat lover Jonathan Viaud — frequently upstaged by his conspicuous feline, O’Malley — packed a powerful punch, inspiring hope and patriotism with his personal “COS story.”
For Jonathan, the path that led him to where he is today began in an unusual place — a hospital, fighting for his life. After beating cancer — and meeting his beloved wife in the process (it was his wife who introduced him to Mark Levin, who, in turn, introduced him to Convention of States) — Jonathan’s life exudes a contagious gratitude — a gratitude that fuels his passion and fight for the country.
“In addition to being blessed with an amazing wife and beautiful daughter, I’m blessed to live in the greatest, freest country the world has ever known,” he said on Wednesday’s webinar. “As any parent would know, we always want what’s best for our children. We always want them to live better lives than we’ve lived. We want them to have more prosperity and more freedom. Sadly, we live in a time in American history that, if we do not act, we will leave posterity with nothing but debt and tyranny.”
This, Jonathan said, is “why” he does what he does.
After enjoying so many undeserved blessings in this country, how can he not fight to ensure his daughter enjoys the same?
Part of how Jonathan lives out that commitment to his daughter is through his devoted engagement to COS activism. Convention of States, is, after all, not a solution to be enacted by bureaucrats, elites, or far-off politicians, but by “everyday citizens who love this country.”
“Your favorite governor, whoever it is, your favorite legislator, whoever he or she may be, is not going to be monitoring the halls of your child’s school or checking what books are on display at your local library,” Jonathan observed. “If my daughter and your children or grandchildren are going to grow up in a free nation, then it’s going to have to be because we worked to make sure it remains free.”
We — all of us — would do well to heed Jonathan’s charge. Whether we’re parents raising kids of our own or young people making our way through the minefields of a wayward society, whether we’re new to the fight or seasoned veterans, tired and hopeless, or passionate and cheerful, we each have a part to play. We each have enjoyed the bounties of liberty — “Heaven's choicest blessings,” as Abraham Lincoln put it — and now, the question is: will we, in gratitude, pass them on to the next generation?
To hear the rest of Jonathan’s powerful presentation, check out the recording here. Additionally, fans of the show will want to tune in for several major updates about upcoming changes to the show. You won’t want to miss all this and more, right here, on COS at Home!
COS at Home: Jonathan Viaud inspires with powerful COS Story
Published in Blog on January 19, 2024 by Article V Patriot