The private law firm Perkins Coie and the FBI have been caught in the middle of some Washington swamp corruption: working in the same office as the Democratic Party and other liberal clients like Hillary Clinton.
In a letter to Rep. Jim Jordan and Rep. Matt Gaetz, whistleblowers revealed that the FBI has maintained a “secure work environment” within Perkins Coie offices for over a DECADE, which is still in operation today, according to exclusive information on Tucker Carlson. Meanwhile, the liberal-leaning law firm represents Hillary Clinton, is the DNC’s law firm, and has received over $42 million from the political party.
This means the Democrats have direct ties to the nation’s largest law enforcement agency through the mutual law firm. This also means that Dems have had access to FBI databases within the law firm for many years as Washington’s dirty political games have worsened.
Does the Perkins Coie law firm really keep both of these intertwined relationships separated, or are there overlapping attorneys, cases and beneficial information that is secretly shared between the groups?
This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to collusion between federal agencies and the political elite and it clearly reiterates the urgency for a Convention of States.
When a political party is not just working with government insiders, but more specifically law enforcement insiders, there’s no doubt illegal crimes are being swept under the rug. We need to stop the swamp from expanding its power and corruption, and that will never happen when the FBI can help cover up the Democrats’ illegal activity.
Article V of the Constitution allows the states to be a check on an overreaching federal government – just like the one we see today. A Convention of States would bring all the states together to propose amendments to the Constitution to rein in the powers of the federal government.
Just think of how this collusion is currently going unnoticed with the mainstream media choosing to also hide these reports. The Democrats, federal government and media may be working together to create a false reality, but middle America can see through it.
It’s time for a change, and it starts with an Article V Convention of States. Sign the petition to show your support.
Corruption at its finest: FBI has office inside law firm that represents Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton
Published in Blog on June 01, 2022 by Brianna Kraemer