Nevada District Captain Chuck Harmon recently penned a powerful pro-Convention of States article, featured last week on USA Today, in which he argued that the Founding Fathers intended for Article V of the U.S. Constitution to serve as a check and balance on corrupt federal power.
“Our Framers were all about ‘checks and balances’ because they understood human nature,” he wrote. “Checks and balances are the reason our Constitution is the longest-lasting governing document in force in the history of the world.”
Amazingly, despite the centrality of checks and balances to the Constitution's success, Harmon points out that there is still one provision that has yet to be utilized — the Article V convention process, which enables the states to propose necessary amendments to the Constitution and limit Washington’s power. Harmon argues that those who oppose this process essentially rely on the federal government to self-regulate, a prospect undermined by the inherent tendencies of human nature.
“Such a position eliminates all checks and balances for initiating amendment proposals by giving the national legislature sole discretion and full control — the power to propose and the power to refuse to propose,” he continues. “This is what opponents of an Article V convention effectively endorse — a 98% reduction in the checks and balances for proposing amendments.”
As Ronald Reagan once reminded us, “No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size.” If we wish to shrink the federal government back into its constitutional box, We The People, through Article V of the U.S. Constitution, will have to do it ourselves.
Recognizing USA Today as one the most widely read newspapers in America, we applaud Chuck Harmon for sharing this important message with its readers. Read the rest of his opinion piece here. To show support for the cause, join Harmon in signing the Convention of States petition below.
MUST-READ: District Captain pens pro-COS opinion piece for USA Today
Published in Blog on December 12, 2023 by Article V Patriot