Convention of States is on a mission to reach 2.5 million petition signers!
In pursuit of our long-term goals of calling the first-ever Article V convention and reviving a spirit of self-governance in America (with the help of our incredible grassroots army), we need every petition signature we can get. They each make a difference.
Petitions go straight to the signer’s state legislator, urging him or her to take immediate action to support the COS resolution. These state legislators have the power to rein in our corrupt federal government once and for all, but many of them do not realize it; by sending them our petitions, we have the opportunity to change that—and change history.
What’s more, signing the COS petition is often a first—but vitally important—step toward taking action to save America.
Are you tired of complaining about how bad things are? Tired of searching for a solution that actually works?
When someone signs our petition, they are committing to more than just sitting around and complaining; they are showing that they love America and are ready to take action to preserve this great country. Our ever-growing list of petition signers proves that We the People are waking up and fighting back.
Convention of States’ self-governing army of grassroots patriots is hard at work to save liberty—and the fight has only just begun. To join the movement, sign the petition below and help us reach 2.5 million petition signers! I've you've already signed, please consider telling your friends—let's spread the word about the solution as big as the problem!
Convention of States is on a mission to reach 2.5 million petition signers... But we need your help!
Published in Blog on August 01, 2023 by Jakob Fay