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Convention of States Hosts Table at Wisconsin GOP State Convention This Saturday

Published in Spread the Word on June 13, 2023 by Article V Patriot

Who: Wisconsin GOP Delegates & Leaders

What: Wisconsin Convention of States will host a table at the GOP State Convention,

When: This Saturday, June 17, 2023 Registration begins at 7:30 am Afternoon Convention Session end 5:30 pm

Where: La Crosse Center, 300 Harborview Plaza, La Crosse, WI

Why: Washington DC and the Administrative State are out of control – We the People can place limits on them.

Stop by our table at the Wisconsin State GOP Convention.  We can tell you about Article V of the U.S, Constitution.  It is a check and balance our founders gave we the people in our original Constitution.  It empowers our own WI State Legislators to place limits on Washington DC’s craziness.

Convention of State’s is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Convention of States Action is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization and does not support or endorse any party or candidate. COSA is focused on educating the public on specific issues.

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