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Convention of States Action - Model Citizens Wanted

Published in Volunteer Resources Spread the Word Blog on September 17, 2024 by Julie Holly

How well do you know Convention of States Action (COS Action)? On the surface you may think, “Yeah, they’re that group that’s trying to get an Article V Convention going. Not sure how I feel about that.” 

But did you know there is so much more to the group? As a continuous improvement organization, we’re always asking, “how can we help our supporters to be effective citizens?” The Maryland Team for Convention of States Action has a plan, and we want you to be part of it. We’re branching out beyond Article V to create an engaged and active citizenship.  

Where do you come in?

Being smack dab in the middle of election season and all that entails, you know the rhetoric is flying thick and fast. How much of it is reliable? Are the candidates – and for that matter, the incumbents - addressing the issues that are most important to you at the national, state or local levels?  

The idea of government can be overwhelming. Add to that the non-facts and censorship that tend to sneak in. How do you know where to turn? You may be feeling like you need to get involved in some way. But how?  Taking on government as an individual is a tall order. How can you, just one person, do anything that will be effective – short of voting, that is.

That’s where Convention of States Action Maryland’s plan comes in, and that’s where you – and your desire to do something - can learn to be highly effective.

COS Action Maryland launched our state strategy on September 10.


We’re on a mission to connect with people on the issues they care about and teach them how to make a difference.  

We want to hear from you about what’s most important to you.  In fact, we have a survey where you can let us know what you’d like the focus to be.  

But, we’re not stopping at the survey. We’d like to see as many citizens as possible get involved. What does that look like? Well, that's up to you - it's different for everyone. Even if you only have one hour a week to give, you can make a difference. Whatever skills you have (and you do have valuable skills) they can be helpful.  

COS Action Maryland offers training, resources, support and encouragement every step of the way. Have you ever thought you’d like to talk to the legislators about how they vote? You could learn to engage with them and show them the benefits of collaborating with Convention of States Action. If quietly working behind the scenes is more to your liking, that works, too. 

More and more citizens are recognizing they have the power to make a difference in their world. They want to use that power for good.

We’re actively developing into a society of model citizens. What is a model citizen? It’s someone who learns about their government; - how it operates and how we fix what’s broken. In short, a model citizen is someone like you who sees what’s working, what’s broken and wants to get involved to help bring balance and efficiency back into their government.  

Do you want to know more? Do you feel like you need to do something?  

Here's how:

1. If you haven’t yet signed the petition, sign it.  

2. Complete the Survey – this is fairly new so you may not have seen it yet.  We want to be sure  we’re addressing what’s most important to all Maryland citizens.  By completing the survey, you’ll help us know where to best focus.

But don’t stop there.  
3. If you have an hour or more per week to help, we know you have a talent that can be put to good use.  Get involved with one of our strategy work streams to CONNECT WITH PEOPLE ON THE ISSUES THEY CARE ABOUT & LEARN HOW TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

Would you like to connect with your legislators and find out what they’re thinking? Maybe you enjoy writing and educating people? Whatever you love to do, theres a place for you. Not sure if you can do the job?  COS Action Maryland provides all the tools and training you could possibly imagine.  

Every person involved with Convention of States Action is dedicated to one thing – ensuring ours is a government of, by and for the people. We would love to have you join us. Let’s make Maryland a model for active citizenship.

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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