The Convention of States Action Idaho is attacking one of the root causes of many of our great country’s problems– a general lack of understanding of our founding principles and Constitution. Too many people have lost sight of those principles and do not understand how the Constitution is designed to protect them.
America was founded on the principle of individual liberty for all. That principle, as enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution, has made America a magnet for freedom-seeking people around the world.
The Convention of States Action Idaho Teach Freedom program has been established to begin building a population of constitutionally-informed patriots and it’s starting at the foundation with school-aged children. In association with the Patriot Academy, we provide Constitutional coaches and training resources to promote an understanding our country’s founding to teachers, parents, and all Idaho school students in public, private, charter, homeschools and church groups.
In celebration of Constitution Day, COSA Idaho is sponsoring an essay contest about our country’s founding. The contest is available to all Idaho school students. Two separate age groups will compete in the contest – grades 7-9 will compete as the younger group, and grades 10-12 will compete as the older group. In each group, prizes will be $250 for first place, $100 for second place, and $50 for third place.
Entrants to the contest will be required to answer a number of trivia questions about our country’s founding. They will then write an essay about some of the lesser-known patriots who signed the Declaration of Independence.
Given we’re asking them to write about some of the more obscure figures in history, our young essayists will need to do some real research. They’re going to find out that America’s founding fathers were common men from all walks of life. Their stories are a testament to the fact that even a single man can make a historical difference.
Contest judging will be done by the COSA Idaho Educational Outreach team. Those students who get all of the trivia questions right, will move on to have their essays judged by the team.
Let the learning begin!
Contest details may be found out