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Convention of States!

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Citizens Take Action in Annapolis!

Published in Surge Article Blog on January 30, 2025 by Maria Moungelis Bedard

It was bright, sunny and a bit chilly in Annapolis on January 28, where a unique group of COS Action Maryland volunteer activists gathered for Citizen Action Day 2025.

The day began with Maryland team volunteers gathering at Lawyer’s Mall, nestled between the State House, legislative office buildings and the Governor’s Mansion. Several legislators joined us to discuss our mission and the issues facing the Maryland General Assembly.

We heard from our lead sponsors, Senator Justin Ready (D5) and Delegate Mark Fisher (D27C), along with Delegates Stonko (D42C), Chisholm (D31), Schmidt (D33B), and Tomlinson (D5). All were on their way into the State House for the day's legislative floor session. They shared with us that the preeminent issue of the 2025 Legislative Session is the state’s $2.7 billion budget deficit. That’s an issue ALL Marylanders should care about and follow closely.




Seth Lipko, our Legislative Liaison and Regional Captain, outlined our 2025 bill known as 34 | Ready. This bill sets the framework for Maryland to participate in an Article V convention of states when it comes to fruition.

Associate Regional Director (and fellow Marylander) Steve Patten shared an inspirational and historic message about The Maryland 400, also known as General George Washington’s forlorn hope. The bottom line is that this Maryland regiment was trained, equipped, and ready for its mission. COS can provide the training and tools for every Marylander to be prepared to leverage their influence and make a difference on issues they care about.

From there, the team proceeded to visit all 188 legislators at their offices, delivering our COS legislative packets. Each packet included a draft of our 34 | Ready bill, COS information and the number of constituents in their district that support an Article V convention of states.

Along the way, our volunteers met their legislators and learned about the issues they care about. One success is that we scheduled an in-person meeting with a delegate to discuss the potential co-sponsorship of our 34 | Ready bill alongside Delegate Fisher.

Some Maryland COS Action supporters who attended shared their highlights from the day. People like ...

  • Mike from Sharpsburg was excited about one-on-one time with his representative, Delegate Wivel.
  • Christina from Frederick was impressed by the number of young people touring, engaging, clerking and interning.
  • Sallie from Eldersburg said she enjoyed spending time with like-minded Marylanders presenting practical solutions to our government’s primary problems.
  • Mit from Mt. Airy appreciated the fellowship with volunteers at Dry 85 after the day's activities.
  • Chuck from Pasadena found it refreshing that we were welcomed with kindness everywhere we went.
  • Dennis from Chesapeake Beach met Delegate Andre Johnson (D34A) for the first time, and this piqued his interest in possibly supporting 34 | Ready – follow-up conversations are on the way!

Inspired by President Kennedy’s words: “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try" our Citizen Action Day theme was “You have the power to make a difference”.

To that end, our Call to Action for Every Marylander is simply this: Use the tools to train and ready yourself to make a difference by creating an account at the Maryland General Assembly website, 1) follow a bill on an issue that matters most to you and 2) weigh in with your favorable or unfavorable support of that bill.  Learn how to use the mymga website.

We’ll continue to provide updates throughout the 2025 legislative session. Now that you know how to leverage the mymga website, let us know how you are making a difference!

In the meantime, you can make a difference by sharing Convention of States Action with friends and family and asking them to Sign the Petition.

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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