The recent Convention of States Reclaiming Liberty Leadership Summit in Orlando, Florida culminated with an evening of awarding Challenge Coins for many passionate volunteers from across the nation.
Nancy Koenig, COS Virginia's own State Grassroot Coordinator, was one of the recipients to the exclusive award.
Only 300 coins have been minted. Nancy's hard work and dedication earned her way into the rare honor.

First inspired to join Convention of States through Mark Levin in 2015, Nancy quickly signed the petition and also became a District Captain (DC) for the Charlottesville area.
In 2019 she rose to the position of State Grassroots Coordinator (SGC) while faithfully keeping her boots on the ground in the Charlottesville area.
As SGC Nancy busily phone called Virginians who had applied for volunteer positions for COS Virginia, aiding them through the onboarding process.
Meanwhile Nancy continued her DC work by organizing and attending several events to educate her neighbors about the ability of Convention of States to restrict power in Washington, D.C.
Through that dedicated effort she grew a team to join her in frequent meetings with their state legislators to encourage their support for the COS resolution.
Encouraging her each step of the way to do all this work as a volunteer has been God prompting, propelling, and providing for her.
When asked about her commitment Nancy simply states: What keeps me at it is God.
Then Nancy gushes with stories about how other COS volunteers come to her aid, as provided by God, every time she faces an uphill battle.
As a true servant leader Nancy is quick to proclaim about the award: COS has given me so much more than I have given them.
Click here if you would like to join our valuable team of volunteers.