Do you trust the IRS to keep your personal information safe?
No matter how you answer that question, you'll soon be forced to surrender even more information to the giant federal tax agency.
Reports began to surface last week that the IRS will begin requiring users to submit a "video selfie" in order to access their own online account. If that doesn't work, users will then have to join a video call with a "trusted referee" to "answer a few questions," according to the Daily Signal.
The private company the IRS is using to collect this information will be granted the right to use the videos to collect biometric data, including voiceprints and facial geometry recognition.
According to the Daily Signal:
In other words, in the name of protecting taxpayer information, the IRS will compel even more taxpayers to give away extremely personal information to a private company.
The IRS has a poor track record of safeguarding taxpayer information, and Americans should be incredulous of the idea that sharing more data will ensure their information remains private.
If this makes you uncomfortable, you have reason to be. During the Obama administration, the IRS targeted conservative groups to force them to shut down. Now, they'll have even more information at their disposal when they go after political opponents.
Federal officials in the Deep State believe they are immune from the American people. They think that because they are not elected, they aren't accountable to the people they're supposed to serve.
They're dead wrong.
An Article V Convention of States is called and controlled by the states and has the power to propose constitutional amendments. These amendments can shrink the size and scope of the federal government, force them to slash the budget, and impose term limits on federal officials.
Here's what that means in plain English: a Convention of States can defund the federal government, including the IRS.
Millions of Americans have joined the movement, and you can, too! Sign the petition below, and we'll send a copy to your state legislators, so they know that you support the only grassroots movement powerful enough to take on the Deep State.