President Joe Biden is so in thrall to the Green New Deal fanatics that he would rather turn to another murderous dictator for more oil than increase domestic production or even import more oil from Canada.
According to a new report from Axios, Biden is considering a "hat-in-hand" visit to Saudi Arabia to beg Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for more oil. Salman, you probably remember, ordered the dismemberment of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.
Energy independence is the key to gaining the upper hand against Russia and any other tyrannical country that would threaten the world's oil supply. Saudi Arabia is an ally today, but that may change in the future. Why would we move from being dependent on Russia for oil to being dependent on the Saudis?
The only reason Biden is considering such a move is because he's terrified of angering the radical environmentalist lobby. He shut down the Keystone Pipeline, which would have covered the amount of oil we import from Russia. He's also refusing to open more federal lands to oil drilling for fear of earning the wrath of people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her Green New Deal aficionados.
As the President of the United States, Biden is tasked with serving the American people, not a small but powerful Washington lobby. Even Elon Musk, the founder of the most successful electric car company in the world, is pushing Biden to ramp up domestic oil production. There's no question that if he cared what the majority of Americans think, he would immediately pursue energy independence.
He's not, of course, which is why it's time for the American people to put the federal government back in its place.
An Article V Convention of States can do just that. A Convention of States is called and controlled by the states and has the power to propose constitutional amendments. These amendments can take away the things politicians like Biden love most: power, money, and position.
Amendments can be written that limit federal power. Others can be written to restrict Congress' ability to spend money, while still more amendments can impose term limits on federal officials.
Taken as a whole, these amendments can remind all federal politicians that they work for the everyday American -- not wealthily and powerful environmental lobbies.
To join the movement that's 5 million Americans strong, sign the petition below!