Article V is the mechanism behind the Convention of States movement, but a Biden judicial nominee – who should be an expert on the law – revealed her cluelessness regarding Article V of the Constitution in what has now become a viral video.
Judge Charnelle Bjelkengren of Spokane County Superior Court in Washington State was nominated by President Biden to serve on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Washington.
She sat before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday to be vetted for the distinguished position. She received an assortment of questions surrounding the law and the Constitution – some of which she could not answer.
Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) asked about the articles of the Constitution.
"Tell me what Article V of the Constitution does," Kennedy said to Bjelkengren.
After a long pause, the judge replied to Kennedy, "Article V is not coming to mind at the moment."
"Okay. How about Article II?" Kennedy followed up.
"Neither is Article II," she said with a smile.
After failing to answer a third question from Kennedy, Bjelkengren explained her qualifications as an assistant attorney general for 12 years and a judge for nine years.
"Well you're going to be faced with it if you're confirmed. I can assure you of that," said Kennedy of a legal subject.
Her inability to recall significant sections of the nation's founding document is extremely concerning to the rights of We the People.
Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) recommended President Biden nominate Bjelkengren as a federal district court judge.
"A judiciary that serves all people fairly—not just the rich and powerful—and upholds the rule of law is at the bedrock of our democracy, and I am confident that Judge Bjelkengren will bring those values to the federal bench," said Murray.
Despite Murray's assertion, Bjelkengren doesn't seem to have a basic understanding of the law.
The entire Convention of States movement is based around Article V of the U.S. Constitution. A sitting judge can't recall what this powerful tool can be used for, but with time, the entire country will learn about this gift written by the Founding Fathers.
We're working to call a Convention of States under Article V to rein in the out-of-touch, out-of-control federal bureaucracy.
Please sign the petition below to let us know you support using Article V to call for a Convention of States.