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Convention of States!


Bastille Day Is Un-American!

Published in Blog on July 14, 2024 by FL Communications Team

Although Bastille Day is celebrated as the birthday of modern France, what happened afterwards merits consideration and comparison. The French Revolution led to chaos, violence and a Reign of Terror. The American Revolution led to a Constitution and a Republic governed by rule of law. 

The Bastille was a Parisian munitions fortress and prison symbolic of oppression by the French aristocracy. Royal extravagance, crop failure, disease, and famine contributed to the peasants’ distress and revolt against both the existing monarchy and the feudal political structure. On July 14,1789 revolutionaries stormed the tower to gain control of weapons to further their cause.

Violent Roots of Socialism
Francois-Noel Babeuf was one of the more radical revolutionaries who lived in Paris during the Reign of Terror, a period of violent political upheaval. He promoted “common ownership of property, equal distribution of goods, class warfare and absolute equality.” He lead the group called Conspiracy of Equals.

Babeuf’s ideas on equality served as the early foundations of socialism. Over the years they were embellished by Marechal and Buonarroti, read by Karl Marx, and eventually adopted by none other than Herbert Marcuse, 20th Century promoter of critical theory, now known as CRT – critical race theory. 

“Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrice Cullors repeatedly says “We are trained Marxists.” Antifa’s imagery, dogma, public statements — all straight from the Marxist playbook.”

In 1984 Yuri Bezmenov, former KGB and Soviet defector, explained that Khrushchev predicted the United States would collapse from within based on a Marxist four-stage plan to demoralize, destabilize, crisis, normalize. 

Clearly destabilizing is the mission of today’s disrupters. Victor Davis Hanson further describes the similarities between the evolution, goals, and tactics of 18th Century revolutionaries to today’s new radical Jacobins.

Republic or Democracy
The whole point of a republic, as opposed to a pure democracy, is protection of individual rights. The American Founders rejected unrestrained democracy and opted, instead, for a constitutional republic with inalienable rights for all. That’s the real difference between France and America.

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2,635,892 signatures

Petition your state legislator

Almost everyone knows that our federal government is on a dangerous course. The unsustainable debt combined with crushing regulations on states and businesses is a recipe for disaster.

What is less known is that the Founders gave state legislatures the power to act as a final check on abuses of power by Washington, DC. Article V of the U.S. Constitution authorizes the state legislatures to call a convention to proposing needed amendments to the Constitution. This process does not require the consent of the federal government in Washington DC.

I support Convention of States; a national movement to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution, restricted to proposing amendments that will impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit its power and jurisdiction, and impose term limits on its officials and members of Congress.

I want our state to be one of the necessary 34 states to pass a resolution calling for this kind of an Article V convention. You can find a copy of the model resolution and the Article V Pocket Guide (which explains the process and answers many questions) here:

I ask that you support Convention of States and consider becoming a co-sponsor. Please respond to my request by informing the national COS team of your position, or sending them any questions you may have: or (540) 441-7227.

Thank you so much for your service to the people of our district.

Respectfully, [Your Name]

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