Just a few decades ago, horrific strikes occurred in our nation that we now refer to as 9/11.
They seem like distant memories to most of us, now. Many of those who participated in the riots of last year were too young to remember, but my contemporaries have those minutes and seconds firmly etched in our minds. For those who wear certain uniforms, 9/11 would lead to far greater consequences.
Coffins draped by American flags were professionally transported by military aircraft as a part of Operation Blue Ash, the ceremonial tasking for bringing our deceased home to Dover Air Force Base.
I believe the strikes that happened at the beginning of the 21st Century served as a generational warning to an American republic detaching herself from the rule of law while simultaneously worshiping three common idols: sex, power, and greed.
Two decades later, while we focus on “Amazon’s Top Ten Movies,” China has nearly incapacitated us with a virus and she may have even more surprises for us up her silken, embroidered sleeve.
And So It Continues
Many of our craftiest Americans have capitalized on a strategy of short-term wealth. They have sold American innovation to China for long-term production.
Our pharmacies, our factories, and our groceries are “Made in China.” China has long-term jobs and plenty of goods to sell. We gave them all of it. Whatever happened to “Made in America?” China has taken Hong Kong, and those who seek to worship God in their own homes are put in prisons.
Folks, they are not our friends. And they will soon make their move on Taiwan. I expect them to expand their Pacific island air centers for their fighter and cargo aircraft.
There are other signals that we should heed. The very foundation of our Constitution is at risk, and I dare say not from foreign usurpers. The American people have allowed this to happen.
Over the years we have placed so many idols in front of the foundation upon which our Framers based our Constitution. Music, television, movies, and sporting events will never be an adequate substitution for a church family worshipping their God in a free republic.
It shows in the way our elected leaders operate their campaigns and the way they execute the tasks for which we hire them. Then, after some have sold us out for their own “golden parachutes,” we elect them again.
Many on both sides of the party fence enjoy their perks while forgetting the Constitution’s mandate that the majority of governing decisions are to be determined by a government that is much closer to its constituents, i.e., the state legislatures. After all, solving real problems is best left to those in the states.
For those of you who think I may be too simple, think Seattle. America allowed a group to occupy blocks of Seattle city pavement for a very long time.
Current elected leaders seem more concerned about retaining their power through a career that does not strengthen our position on the world stage. I have stopped watching the news. But I’ll bet a soda that our enemies are watching every frame of every channel. I am certain they are very interested.
When I was a captain in the Air Force, I slept well at night. I knew the quality of aircraft and airmen stationed and alert, 24/7, around our borders.
I left the Air Force in 2009 from the Pentagon as a colonel. My sleep is not as sound. I would say we are nearly ripe for the picking. We should get on our knees and ask Him to forgive us.
Don’t Get Up Just Yet
Now this is when my message gets real.
There are a lot of organizations out there competing for your dollar, and most of them are for entertainment. But there are some organizations doing things to equip us for a pitched battle over our constitutional rights.
Convention of States is made up mostly of volunteers. Their purpose is to legally and peacefully pursue a path to return constitutional power closer to home.
We are aiming to not only protect our Constitution but to also bring to heel those lawmakers who have been sitting in places of power for 40 years. Convention of States resurrects Article V of the Constitution to bring restore the balance of power, so that the people are once again in charge.
That means you would have more of a say in your state, and the people you would send to represent you locally would become your voice.
So What’s an APP?
An app--or an application--is one of those cool add-ons you buy for your iPhone or computer to make your life easier or just for entertainment purposes. Like Donkey Kong or Instagram. Congrats! You’re now a computer nerd.
Is the defense of our Constitution worth an app to you? Can you give $15, $35, or $50 a month for thousands of people working tirelessly for you to save this nation from the D.C. elite?
Congress has lost control of our budget, hamstrung our laws, and made lukewarm our values as a free nation through government overreach.
Citizens all over America are meeting with state legislators, planning with COS leaders, distributing information at events, and working in late-night meetings. All of this costs money. Ask yourself, “Are we worth the cost of an app to you?”