One year ago, former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson was permanently suspended from Twitter for repeatedly violating the platform’s “COVID-19 misinformation rules.” Berenson had frequently questioned the COVID-19 vaccine’s effectiveness and was also a vocal critic of the government’s response to the pandemic. His opinions were ridiculed: The Atlantic dubbed him “the pandemic’s wrongest man.” Vanity Fair referred to him as the “King of the COVID-19 Contrarians.”
After his Twitter account - followed by 340,000 users - was suspended, the journalist hit back with a lawsuit. His attempt to legally force Twitter to reinstate him was widely dismissed.
Then, earlier this year, with little fanfare from the mainstream media that loved to bash him only a year earlier, Berenson quietly returned to Twitter, having won his lawsuit. In the time of his absence from the platform, many of his controversial takes regarding the pandemic and COVID-19 vaccine - taboo at the time of his suspension - were largely validated. Even Twitter admitted that “[u]pon further review, Twitter acknowledges Mr. Berenson’s Tweets should not have led to his suspension at that time.”
As The Federalist reported, “Berenson’s criticisms of the Covid vaccines, which he claimed were ineffective and possibly harmful, came exactly at the time when the federal government, as well as many states and cities, were using every available coercive means at their disposal to force Americans to take them.”
Amazingly, Berenson revealed that the White House pressured Twitter into silencing him (similar to how the FBI encouraged Facebook to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story). Seemingly, the journalist stood in the way of what Biden and other pro-mandate politicians sought to accomplish. His dissent, therefore, had to be muzzled.
“Biden Administration officials asked Twitter to ban me because of my tweets questioning the Covid vaccines, even as company employees believed I had followed Twitter’s rules, internal Twitter communications reveal,” the author wrote. Apparently, Twitter knew it was wrong to suspend Berenson but caved to the White House’s demands anyway. He argued that “if… companies are acting on behalf of the federal government they can become “state actors” that must allow free speech and debate, just as the government does.”
If our government is working hand in hand with big tech to crack down on political dissidence, we should be deeply concerned. What makes Alex Berenson’s case particularly bad is that a lot of what he was censored for has since been proven objectively true. His only crime was daring to oppose DC's agenda.
Thankfully, we have a solution. It’s called an Article V Convention of States which would enable the states to drain the corrupt DC Swamp and restore liberty.
It’s time to take a stand. Every day, our government seizes more and more power and is less and less careful to use that power against We the People. If you’re ready to do something about it, sign the COS petition below!
Who is Alex Berenson? And why did the White House silence him?
Published in Blog on August 30, 2022 by Jakob Fay