State capitals across America are buzzing with enthusiasm for Convention of States as grassroots supporters flock to their legislatures in an impressive show of force. Already, 15 states have introduced COS legislation this year, and more are expected to follow suit. Additionally, COS “Surge” events, which kicked off last week in Tennessee, are slated to take place in all 50 states.
“In the coming weeks and months, we're going full throttle,” explained Convention of States President Mark Meckler. “The grassroots have dedicated months of effort to lead up to this moment, and now that it’s here, you can expect them to push ahead full-speed.”
According to Article V of the U.S. Constitution and the COS application, 34 states are needed to call a convention to stop federal overreach, impose term limits, and set fiscal restraints on Washington. While just under 20 states have already signed on, the grassroots remain hopeful that several more will join the expanding roster this year.
Currently, 15 states boast active COS legislation, including Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, and Washington. Following the traditional legislative procedure, the COS application must navigate through committees and both chambers in these states before receiving official enactment.
In order to accomplish this, grassroots supporters are turning out in droves in support of COS, urging lawmakers to stand behind the movement.
In Massachusetts, Tuesday, proponents crowded into the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs room for an Article V hearing, sharing passionate citizen testimony.
“Put crudely, Article V is the break-glass-in-case-of-emergency option for the states,” described one of many in-person attendees. “We are in such an emergency.”
The grassroots were also joined by COS co-founder and constitutional expert, Michael Farris.
“Washington won’t change itself,” Farris testified virtually. “I don’t care if the issue is term limits or balanced budget or campaign finance. You will be wishing and hoping forever if you expect Washington to fix any of these things. The only way it’s going to happen is to use the safety valves the Framers gave us.”
Elsewhere in the country, patriots in The Volunteer State packed a crowd of dozens of committed advocates in the state capitol in Nashville, the first official “Surge” event of the 2024 season, where supporters spoke to Tennessee lawmakers, thanking them for passing the COS resolution in 2016. This event was followed by several more like it in states such as Delaware, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and Virginia — all in less than a week.
“I left Cuba because of Communism,” recounted a proponent in Delaware, “and I want to make sure our country doesn't fall into that.”
Donning popular COS gear and armed with pro-Article V literature, including bookmarks with QR codes that link to educational materials, these trained political operatives are, quite simply, the best in their field at what they do, calculating every move to maximize the impact of the grassroots-led movement. Overwhelmingly, the American people rally behind COS, and their mission is to ensure that every state legislator in America knows it.
Less than three weeks into the new year, and it would seem they are already well on their way.
“I’m here today to make sure these legislators know that we have a voice and we’re going to use it,” said a Colorado attendee from a sea of white, COS t-shirts in the gallery overlooking the assembly. “We just need changes.”
Indeed, everyone in America, left, right, and center, seems to agree on that one truth — we desperately need changes. And maybe that’s why support for COS is so high — so palpable. “We the People” are waking up to two crucial realities: firstly, that the country is in serious decline, and secondly, that we, empowered by the Constitution, possess the authority to stop it.
“This is what true grassroots activism looks like,” Mark Meckler noted, “and I have full confidence that our dedicated army of citizen supporters will not quit — will not rest — until they save this country.”
For more insights into our grassroots impact, watch COS NOW, a weekly recap of recent developments in the Article V movement, including the latest legislative news. To get involved, sign the Convention of States petition below.
15+ states contemplate COS legislation as advocates flood state capitols
Published in Blog on January 18, 2024 by Jakob Fay