“The federal government today has grown completely out of control, far beyond the fence of limited government intended by our nation's founders. The enormity of the federal government and the imbalance of power between the states and the federal government present a threat to our national security. The founders gave us a lawful and orderly process in Article V for the states to exercise the most powerful check on runaway federal power. For this reason, I support the Convention of States Project efforts to call an Article V convention to propose amendments that will limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.”
Bill Cowan
Lt. Colonel, USMC (Ret.)
Fox News Contributor
Sign the Military Service Members for COS Pledge & COS Petition
I pledge to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution in its entirety--including its grant of power to the people, through their state legislatures, to use Article V to protect our nation from an abusive, overreaching federal government—and I pledge to educate my friends, family members, and neighbors about the importance of using this constitutional tool to protect our liberty.
COS Petition:
Dear Legislator, Our federal government is on a dangerous course. I believe it's time for real solutions. Please support calling a Convention of States to place fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit its power and jurisdiction, and impose term limits on its officials.