We have an unique opportunity to briefly engage an important opinion leader group. The Delegates of the Republican. National Convention held in Milwaukee, WI Monday, July 15 through Thursday, July 18, 2024.
Delegates to the Republican National Convention 2024 (RNC 2024) are an important group of opinion leaders. Communications research shows that opinion leaders transmit their opinions to the rest of the group effectively.
The Plan
This is the Wisconsin Convention of States Plan to engage these important opinion leaders briefly, to spread the word about our cause. Please be ready to Act, Learn & Adjust. We are still trying to procure Convention Schedules etc. This is a plan in progress, as of 5-25-2023. If you have ideas that resonate, please text or call Art Binhack 262-930-1677.
Why: Recent news in America reads more like a Banana Repulic than a Constitutional Republic. The status quo in Washington DC is desperately clinging to their power. Not passing budgets, but continuing resolutions to spend, spend,
spend. More Inflation and the beat goes on an on.
Who: Everyone that supports Convention of States is welcome. All states are welcome especially the states closest to Milwaukee, the Flyover Region States, Northern Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan.
What: Team up with another COS Volunteer and work the Fiserv Forum Area together. Our visibility will increase working in teams. And safety will be enhanced.
What to Wear: Wear your COS Rally Tee Shirt or your COS Block Walking Tee Shirt. The red, white and blue will stand out. Or if you would like, we have Convention of States Signs you can wear as a sandwich board. See “Optional Wear” later in this plan.
What to Say and Do: As the RNC 2024 Delegates arrive and depart the National Convention space we ask them “Have you heard about Convention of States?” and offer them our “Washington is Broken” Rack Card and be ready to answer questions they may have. If you don’t know the answer, that is ok. Tell them you will research it and get back to them. Ask them for their contact info. We are assuming many will continue walking and say nothing. Which is ok, try to respectfully get a Rack Card in their hands.
Bring a clipboard, black pen and petitions if a Delegate wants to sign the petition we can collect them right away. Wisconsin COS will have some available also.
When: The RNC 2024 Convention is held Monday, July 15, Tuesday, July 16, Wednesday, July 17 and Thursday, July 18th. This convention, like all political conventions, is featured to be on television’s prime time. It is likely the delegates will be entering before 7 pm and leaving after 10pm.
We plan to set up each day by 10 am and break down to leave by 10pm when our park permits expire. If there is good traffic around Fiserv Forum during the day we want to have teams of COS Volunteers working the crowd. We encourage everyone to be flexible because we are still trying to obtain a Schedule of Events and the final Security
Where: The Convention is being held at Fiserv Forum, 1111 Vel R. Phillips Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53203. There is a security zone surrounding it. And many of the closest venues and parks have been reserved by the RNC. We found the closest area for the Team to gather at: Estabrook Park, Picnic Area Number 5. It is approximately 4.6 miles from Fiserv
Forum. And has ample public rest rooms, and parking, adjacent to picnic area 5.
Gather at: Estabrook Park, Picnic Area Number 5 is more than an area to peacefully assemble. It’s our home base to hang out with each other. We will have Pop Up Tents, grills, water, paper plates, napkins, forks, spoons etc. available.
We are suggesting donation of $10 each day for picnic food. We ask that you bring a dish to pass if you can. Each of these days are reserved for 50 people.
We are proud of the Wisconsin Convention of States leaders who have stepped up to ensure we have a meeting place, they has reserved Estabrook Park picnic area number 5, for each day of the Convention. Thanks guys! You are real Servant Leaders!
The Vincent Gorichan Family for Monday, July 15, 2024
The Dean Jeffery Family for Tuesday, July 16, 2024.
The Katherine Skleba Family for Wednesday, July 17, 2024.
The Art Binhack Family for Thursday, July 18 2024
All Estabrook Park permits are for 10am to 10pm each day
(We will display the Family Name on a Sign at the Picnic Area along with our COS Banner)
Thank you, Wisconsin Team Leaders, for stepping up and being so generous!
Estabrook Park – Picnic #5 – COS Gathering Place | RNC 2024 Security Zone |
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Estabrook Park, 4400 N Estabrook Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53211
(addresses are included in this plan so you can use a mapping app, like Google Maps)
Estabrook Park is just North of Fiserv Forum along the Milwaukee River. It is an easy drive from Illinois i-94 to I-43 through downtown Milwaukee North 3-4 miles to Exit 76a Capitol Drive East. Travel East for a few blocks and turn left
onto Estabrook Parkway. As soon as you turn you will be entering Estabrook Park. All the picnic areas are on the left (or West). Some of the parking lots are on the right (East side of Estabrook Parkway.) You can do a google map and see it all. Picnic Area 5 is located by the North end of a large parking lot, with the Estabrook Beer Garden at the South End.
General Impact Security map for RNC 2024
The map is shown on the preceding page. Page 2. Click on the question “When will we know what the perimeter looks
like and how it will affect us? The map will pop up. https://city.milwaukee.gov/RNC/FAQ
(East is toward the Lake)
North Border Cherry Street
East Border West side of Water Street
West Border 9 th Street
How to Engage: We are asking for COS Volunteers to volunteer to drive teams of Volunteers the 4.6 miles from
Estabrook Park picnic area number 5 to the Fiserv Forum. It’s 6.6 miles, which is slightly longer than taking the freeway,
but it is through better neighborhoods.
Directions from Estabrook Park, 4400 N Estabrook Drive, Picnic Area 5 to Cherry St and Martin Luther King Drive, Fiserv Forum is about 4 more long blocks.
1-Head south on Estabrook Parkway (Landmark – toward the large TV Tower)
2- Turn right onto Capitol Drive, get in the left lane as soon as you can, cross the Milwaukee River
3-Turn Left at the first Stop Light, which is Humboldt Drive
4- Continue South on Humboldt Boulevard for about __ miles
5-Turn Left at N Commerce St
6-Turn Right at Pleasant St
7 Turn left onto MLK Dr. Martin Luther King Drive. to the Security Zone barrier at Cherry Street. This is as close to Fiserv Forum as you can get. It is roughly 4 more blocks to Fiserv Forum down Martin Luther King Drive.
8-COS Volunteers cross W McKinley Avenue, it is a large 4 lane street, continue walking South and at Juneau Street you should be able to see Fiserv Forum. COS Volunteers will need to walk around Fiserv Forum and find the entrance to Fiserv Forum. (We believe it will be similar to the National RNC Debate held at Fiserv Forum last fall.) Look for Delegates walking into Fiserv Forum. And engage them with your own version of “Have you heard about Convention of States and Article V?” Smile and hand them a “Washington is Broken” brochure.
We will publish a list of COSA Volunteers with cell phone numbers that have signed up. Please use this for communication during this event. We want to stay in contact with the Teams at Fiserv Forum engaging Delegates. If something happens, especially with security, we want to know about it as soon as possible. As always feel free to text
or call Art Binhack WI SD 262-930-1677 for suggestions, help or directions.
Safety First
As always with Convention of States Action safety comes first. Awareness allows us to act proactively. Flexibility is also important; changes may be made to this plan to ensure a safe environment. We have a lot of experience with this area. Below are safety notes to be aware of.
A-Capitol Drive has the most traffic accidents in the state of Wisconsin. East on Capitol Drive (toward the lake) is
relatively safe. If you can avoid West Capitol Drive.
B – Milwaukee is like many current urban cities, with very lax enforcement of laws. Especially for juveniles. Sadly,
Milwaukee leaders chose to avoid consequences for juveniles. Milwaukee chooses to narrow streets with bump out
curbs, and slow traffic with speed bumps, instead of delivering consequences for many. The no bail approach is active in
Milwaukee. Please be aware of this when you drive in Milwaukee. Erratic, aggressive driving is a norm. The area of
Estabrook Park is a good area. But the area to the West including Capitol Drive is an area to avoid.
C-We have been tracking the Security Area and the Secret Service has created a situation where the Convention Delegates will be entering the Security Area close to Pere Marquette Park, which is the designated “Demonstration Speakers Platform and possibly the Parade area. Recently Wisconsin U.S. Senator Ron Johnson has asked the Secret Service to move this location further away from the Fiserv Forum area. He pointed out the Democratic National Convention Demonstration area is 3 miles away from the Convention Hall in Chicago. But the Secret Service is not moving anything for the RNC in Milwaukee.
Visiting Milwaukee for more than a day trip?
1-WI State Fair Park has a rental space for Recreational Vehicles https://wistatefair.com/wsfp/rv-park/
2-Many in the greater Milwaukee area have created Air BNB spaces for the RNC 2024
Opportunities to Step Up
We need a RNC Rules / Agenda Advisor, Daily Event Activities Coordinator, Transportation Coordinator, Emergency Coordinator and a Videographer. Please call or text Art Binhack 262-930-1677 to volunteer to step up and lead in these areas.
Event Leader Roles
Food Meals Coordinator - Kimberly Strohrigl WI SGC has volunteered to lead food for the RNC 2024 She will help with
the grilling and perhaps put together a list of recommended restaurants.
Local Law Ordinance Advisor - someone to engage with Milwaukee Police Dept on anything we plan to do that would
cause a violation.
RNC Rules / Agenda Advisor - Dean Jeffery, WI DC Oshkosh has volunteered to get a rough schedule of events, when people will be milling about and any requirements applicable to our efforts in the Fiserv Forum area.
Daily Event Activity Coordinator - Specifically, what will be doing each day.
Transportation coordinator - Arrange for drivers/vehicles and contact methods for transportation from Estabrook-RNC and back.
Emergency coordinator - Get recommended local hospitals, clinics & organize emergency contacts
Videographer - Document event, on-the-street interviews with prepared questions to RNC goers and COS members.
Milwaukee has Much to Offer Visitors
1-Harley Davidson Museum https://www.harley-davidson.com/us/en/museum.html (Close to Potawatomi Casino)
2- Potawatomi Casino https://www.paysbig.com/casino
3- Quadracci Pavilion by Santiago Calatrava https://mam.org/info/architecture/quadracci-pavilion/ (Downtown)
4- Miller Beer Tours https://www.millerbrewerytour.com/av?url=https://www.mill (Near West of Downtown)
5-Copps Frozen Custard https://kopps.com/ 5373 N Port Washington Rd Glendale, WI
(Copps is Close to Estabrook Park, just North, and Highly recommended)
6- Culvers at 1325 E Capitol Drive, Shorewood, WI is just East of Estabrook Park (Their Frozen Custard is pretty good too
Do you have Questions? Or Concerns? Or Improvements to this plan? Great, text or call Art Binhack WI SD 262-930-1677 anytime.