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Your tax dollars fund a clown college in Nancy Pelosi's district

Published in Uncategorized on February 28, 2018 by Article V Patriot

The following was written by Mark Meckler and originally published on his Patheos blog.

Did you know that being a clown now requires schooling? Me either.  But according to PJ Media, there’s a clown school in Nancy Pelosi’s congressional district and your taxes are paying for it.

“The federal government is funding a clown school located in House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco-based congressional district that has classes and workshops on ‘Precision Idiocy’ and how to act like a ‘Buffoon,'” CNS wrote. “The school, which is called the ‘Clown Conservatory’ and is part of the nonprofit Circus Center, received a $10,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts that runs from June 2017 through May 2018.” Clown Conservatory claims to be “the United States’ only professional training program for clowns and physical comedians.”

Because we’re broke…just broke I tell ya!  That’s why we have to borrow money for stuff like this.

John Ellis over at PJ Media isn’t happy about this at all…  and his righteous indignation is well-placed. He wrote:

Tax day is almost upon us. Every year, as the amount of money I am forced to turn over to the government becomes larger and larger, the more irritated I get at my liberal “friends” who insist that they know better how to spend my money than I do—and the more fiscally conservative I become. This nonsense about tax dollars financing people’s dreams to become clowns is only going to make April 15 that much harder. If liberals want to pay for people’s clown college tuition, nothing is stopping them from writing a check to the Clown Conservatory. But it’s flat-out theft for the government to forcibly take my money so that someone can take a class called, “Human Cartoon: The Art of Elastic.”

Are you laughing yet?  The absolute insanity peddled by the federal government under the label “budget” is the only joke here. 

There’s one way to control spending…  whether or not politicians like Nancy Pelosi like it.  Support the Convention of States Project; a national effort to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution, restricted to proposing amendments that will impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit its power and jurisdiction, and impose term limits on its officials and members of Congress. Find out more about it here.

It’s the last viable option to control a federal government bent on bankrupting our kids’ futures.

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