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Young people! Help save America with COS... and get paid!

Published in Blog on June 18, 2024 by Jakob Fay

“The boys of the rising generation are to be the men of the next, and the sole guardians of the principles we deliver over to them,” said Founding Father Thomas Jefferson.

There’s just one problem—what happens when no one instills those principles in the rising generation?

Older generations often complain about the perceived lack of patriotism and professionalism in today’s youth. However, at Convention of States, we have had the opportunity to work with many emerging leaders over the past several years. We are pleased to report that the future looks bright with them at the helm.

The Convention of States’ Emerging Leaders Program (ELP), an eight-month paid internship, is designed to cultivate servant leadership, statesmanship, and biblical citizenship within the next generation while allowing them to “get their hands dirty” working for one of the nation’s foremost grassroots organizations. For anyone who aspires to live a meaningful life, whether they plan to pursue a career in politics or not, the ELP will prove to be an invaluable influence.

“I definitely did not expect to feel so valued as a random high school student interning here, but I know that my time was truly worthwhile and I was poured into by so many amazing people,” reflected 2023-2024 intern Hailey Smit. “I learned more than I ever imagined, and I feel well equipped for what lies ahead spiritually and professionally in my life!”

Hailey’s experience is not uncommon. Virtually everyone who experiences our life-changing program walks away feeling professionally equipped, intellectually enriched, and spiritually empowered to make a difference in society. While internships are often focused on assigning menial tasks to expendable trainees, the COS team values and takes every opportunity to pour into our interns, knowing that they represent the future of the country.

“I love that the Emerging Leaders Program works to improve us as human beings,” said social media intern Kailee Zimmerman. “This is more than just an internship where we get work experience. We truly come out of this program as better people. In the beginning, [Convention of States President Mark Meckler] talked about how COS tries to pour more into us interns than we could ever give back and I have found that to be completely true.”

Another unique feature of the ELP is the versatility of its training. Our students are mentored by experienced grassroots leaders in everything from how to improve their professional portfolios to understanding and defending Western civilization. This model ensures holistic personal development, which will serve students well in any walk of life. Again, it does not matter whether one intends to pursue politics; anyone who aims to answer God’s calling on their life will benefit from this unparalleled program.

“I've grown in so many ways,” recounted Sam Duerkop, grassroots volunteer intern for the Northeast regions. “I've gained skills to help me in the professional world. I've gained an understanding of America's founding principles. I've grown personally through incredible mentorship. Above all I've grown in my relationship with the Lord and my passion for America. I've grown in every aspect of my life. I can't put it into words how much of an impact this program has had on me.”

Convention of States is currently accepting applications for the 2024-2025 internship. If you or a young professional you know are ready to serve the nation, we invite you to learn more at Applications close on August 9, so don’t wait! Apply today and join the remnant rising.

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