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You Have Rights – Assert Them

Published in Blog on December 26, 2021 by David Temple

Some schools and school boards have an agenda different than what parents want. You can reset the agenda.

Parents have legal rights they can exercise with local schools and at local school board meetings. Indeed, parental rights in the state of Texas are quite extensive. For example, according to Texas law, “A parent is entitled to remove the parent’s child temporarily from a class or other school activity that conflicts with the parent’s religious or moral beliefs if the parent presents or delivers to the teacher of the parent’s child a written statement authorizing the removal of the child from the class or other school activity.” Here is yet another example of Texas law regarding parental rights: 

(a) Parents are partners with educators, administrators, and school district boards of trustees in their children’s education. Parents shall be encouraged to actively participate in creating and implementing educational programs for their children.

(b) The rights listed in this chapter are not exclusive. This chapter does not limit a parent’s rights under other law.

(c) Unless otherwise provided by law, a board of trustees, administrator, educator, or other person may not limit parental rights.

(d) Each board of trustees shall provide for procedures to consider complaints that a parent’s right has been denied.

(e) Each board of trustees shall cooperate in the establishment of ongoing operations of at least one parent-teacher organization at each school in the district to promote parental involvement in school activities.

Most parents do not know about their legal rights, simply because no one has ever mentioned the subject. It just does not get mentioned as part of an education, nor is the subject a part of everyday conversation; members of school boards may not even be aware of parental rights. There are some on Texas school boards who do not want parents expressing their opposition to critical race theory and other controversial issues that have been made public recently, thus these elected personnel are doing their best to stifle parents’ voices at meetings. Parents need to know their legal rights and assert them. To learn about parental rights in Texas, click here.

Just remember when attending school board meetings, for example, to be civil – firm when necessary, but civil. Many school board members are trying to do the right thing; sadly, in today's society, there are still others that would rather advance political agendas than proper education. Knowing your rights is the best defense against the people who are forcing students to learn Critical Race Theory, allowing boys to use the girls bathroom, and more.

Winning back our country starts with winning back control of our local government. Furthermore, while this article deals with Texas schools and school boards, Washington, DC dictates the direction of all states in regard to education. That is why we absolutely need an Article V Convention of States! A term limits amendment, balanced budget amendment, and additional amendments to the US Constitution will positively limit the power of the federal government – the way the founders intended.

We the People must re-establish self-governance, and it starts with Convention of States. Join us today by becoming a volunteer!

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