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Year-End Letter Writing Campaign

Published in Blog on December 13, 2020 by Seth Essendrop

As 2020 comes to an end, Convention of States New Jersey is encouraging all volunteers and supporters to reach out to their legislators via handwritten letters, both to thank them for their work throughout the year and to express support for Convention of States.

Convention of States is on a mission to bring power back to the people by imposing term limits on federal officials, placing greater restrictions on taxing and spending, and generally reducing the size and scope of the federal government.

The state legislatures have an integral part to play in this. Under Article V of the Constitution, they have the power to call the convention to propose constitutional amendments. The proposals will then be sent back to the states for ratification.

But our state legislators are more than just a means to that end. They are the folks that actually represent us. Your vote and your voice are far more important to your state representatives than to your U.S. congressmen and Senators. That's one reason we're trying to bring back power to the states in the first place.

So, it is important for us to build relationships with our state legislators, because they are the people who will be empowered to enact our will. Self-governance is more than simply shrinking federal government--it is taking back our power by being engaged locally where our voices are loudest.

That is why we are asking for supporters to participate in our year-end letter writing campaign to build a relationship with their representatives.

Chances are, you and I probably have significant differences with our representatives and disagree with much of the legislation they enact. But how can we claim the right to complain if we have not made an effort to reach out to our legislators and make our will known?

With all that said, please join us in sending a handwritten card by year end to thank your legislator for their representation, wish them a happy New Year, Christmas, Hanukkah, etc., and express your support for Convention of States.

You can find the address for your legislators here.

Below is a sample template that you can use as a starting point if you would like.

If you want to know how you can get more involved with COS New Jersey, always feel free to reach out at or 201-279-3100. To sign up for a position, go to the Take Action page and apply.

Sample Letter:

Dear ____,

As your constituent, I just want to wish you a (Merry Christmas/Happy New Year/Happy Chanukah), and thank you for your service to our community this year.

Personally, as a supporter of Convention of States, I look forward to meeting with you to discuss our resolution in the New Year. Where I can, I would also like to work with you on initiatives you may have here in our district. My contact information is included here, so please feel free to reach out if there's something I can assist with.

Again, (Merry Christmas/Happy New Year/Happy Chanukah) to you, your family, and your staff!


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