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to call for a

Convention of States!


WY Voters Targeted With Deception

Published in Blog on October 20, 2023 by Julie Baker

Many Wyoming residents in Uinta County found fliers on their door last week ranking legislators based on a limited number of bills, including SJ11, Convention of States.  SJ11 this year passed the Senate committee, passed the Senate vote, passed the House committee and only failed in the House.

The author of the fliers labeled legislators ‘anti-liberty’ if they voted YES on SJ11 to follow the Constitution and call for a Convention of States. Here are some deceptions you should recognize.

  • The authors of the fliers say the amendment process in the Constitution is only to ‘correct errors’. Therefore they must believe the Bill of Rights, including the 2nd Amendment, is illegitimate! The Bill of Rights are 10 amendments that didn’t ‘correct errors’ but instead secured liberty. The Bill of Rights amendments were proposed during the Founding Era, only a few short years after the Constitution was ratified. Clearly those who wrote the Constitution didn't believe amendments were only for ‘correcting errors’.


  • The John Birch Society, who authored the opposition narrative to SJ11-Convention of States, labels supporters of SJ11 ‘anti-liberty’, despite the fact it is a Constitutional process giving the States authority to RESTORE liberty by reigning in the federal government. 


  • Interestingly Robert Welch, the founder of the John Birch Society, lobbied for an Article V Convention of States (convention for proposing amendments) for Willis Stone’s Liberty Amendment, as did Larry McDonald who later became Chairman of JBS. 

How can the John Birch Society historically lobby for a ‘Liberty Amendment’ using the Article V process, then call legislators ‘anti-liberty’ because they vote for the exact same process in order to restore liberty?  It is schizophrenic.

When you have an organization that deliberately tries to deceive by blatantly stating untruths so easily verified as such, what else will they try to deceive you about? 

The existential threat to our liberties is Washington D.C. 

The only way to restore our liberties is through a Convention of States.

 We need to support legislators who vote for Convention of States, not label them ‘anti-liberty’.


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