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Convention of States!


WY GOP Rejects The Constitution - AGAIN

Published in Blog on May 17, 2024 by Julie Baker

The Wyoming GOP again passed a poorly written, historically & constitutionally inaccurate anti Article V of the U.S.Constitution resolution at their 2024 convention. 

This is the Wyoming GOP, which has stated in its platform "The Constitution of the United States may only be altered by the processes of amendment as provided therein." but then explicitly rejects that process in its resolutions.  It's schizophrenic.

As a Convention of States supporter I know you are sick of politics as usual.  The Wyoming GOP rejecting the Article V provision explicit in the U.S. Constitution is hypocritical when the claim is total support of the Constitution.

You have the power to change the GOP by becoming a Precinct Committeeman or Committeewoman in your County, or maybe consider running for the State Legislature?

Filing is between May 16th & May 31st.  If you are interested in becoming a Precinct Committeeman or woman simply go to your County offices an file.  There are many empty precinct positions across the State.

From the Secretary of State Website:

Running for Office:
Q. How do I file to run for office?

● If you are seeking a local office (county or municipal office, school or college board), contact your county clerk.

● If you are seeking a state office, including state legislature, contact the Secretary of State’s office at (307) 777-5860. Candidates for state office may file online or complete the application for nomination form.

● Filing deadlines are posted on the Election Calendar on our website or contact your county clerk. 


As a precinct committee person you have the ability to influence your county party and ultimately the State party.


Here is the resolution, reproduced in full, with all it's inaccurate claims and lack of constitutional legitimacy.

No Article V Convention, Known As A Constitutional Convention

WHEREAS, rather than promoting an Article V convention, we should be challenging the myth of judicial supremacy, which has no constitutional basis. Furthermore, just because the Constitution isn't being enforced now, doesn't mean we should change it or throw away its existing provisions, and

WHEREAS, if we have a Constitutional Convention, it could lead to a runaway convention and result in constitutional changes that restrict our individual liberties, including 1st, 2nd and 10th Amendment protections, and

WHEREAS, any changes to the Constitution need supermajority support to pass.  If the radical Left can cause so much damage through riots, what will they do to the Constitution in a convention?, and

WHEREAS, that if we faithfully adhere to the Constitution as written, the federal government would be fully reined in, and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Wyoming Republican Party is opposed to a Federal Constitutional Convention.  We respectfully ask our State Legislators to oppose all resolutions applying to Congress for an Article V Convention, known as a Constitutional Convention.

Why would they do this?  It makes no sense!

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