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to call for a

Convention of States!

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WV Rotunda Event!

Published in Blog on November 17, 2021 by Dan Starkey

On the blustery afternoon of November 14, 2021, twenty-five West Virginia Convention of States volunteers visited the State Capitol for an hour-long discussion with several legislators during the Interim Legislative Session that was still ongoing as of this writing.
Ten legislators (listed below) met our group in the Capitol Rotunda to express their support for the Convention of States resolution. All in attendance recognized that our Republic is facing an existential threat from the entrenched ruling class and that a convention of the states is probably the last peaceful means for stopping the slide down into totalitarianism.

The discussions were open and frank with many volunteers voicing their concerns about the out-of-control administrative state in Washington D.C. Some of the volunteers are retired teachers who are deeply concerned about the infiltration of the Marxist ideology of Critical Race Theory and of revised history that some teachers bring to the classroom.

Most agreed also that there is a critical need to impose fiscal restraint on the federal behemoth as well as the need for term limits of federal officials, including judges and high-level bureaucrats. 

Other topics discussed included the need to reimpose constitutional federalism on the national government. The Ninth and Tenth Amendments were discussed at some length, those in attendance agreeing that the federal government has grossly overstepped its bounds, especially in the decades since 1960.

The Ninth Amendment clearly states that the federal government has no authority to deny rights that are not specifically enumerated in the Bill of Rights.

The Tenth Amendment was written to keep the federal government from usurping rights not specifically granted to it by the Constitution. It now routinely tramples the rights of the states.

When asked by volunteers, all the legislators in attendance agreed that personal missives in the form of written letters and personal emails are very important to them. Personal notes from constituents lets them know which issues are most important and need urgent action. It means a lot to receive a personal letter from a constituent.

 Send a note to the following legislators to thank them for their support of the Convention of States resolution. Emails and mailing addresses are available at: WV State Legislature

Sen. Dave Sypolt, Senate District 14
Del. Wayne Clark, House District 65
Del. Don Forsht, House District 60
Del. Caleb Hanna, House District 44
Del. Chuck Horst, House District 62
Del. Eric Householder, House District 64
Del. Chris Phillips, House District 47
Del. Doug Smith, House District 27
Del. Terri Sypolt, House District 52
Del. Bryan Ward, House District 55
Thanks to all of the volunteers who put aside their Sunday plans and came out to support our effort.

Information for our December Interim Session visit to the Capitol will be posted soon. We hope you will be able to attend and let your legislators know how critical this effort is to the Republic. Watch your email, text messages or follow us on Facebook for further details.

Please visit Convention of States to sign the petition and learn how to volunteer your skill sets to save our US Constitution for ourselves and our posterity.

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