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WV COS Annual Strategy Meeting

Published in Blog on April 06, 2022 by Dan Starkey

It was a very special day for West Virginia’s Convention of States team on Saturday, April 2, 2022, as several members of the team gathered for the annual strategy meeting. Having seen the COS resolution pass both chambers of the WV legislature just one month prior, the whole team was in good spirits and looking forward to the challenges ahead.  

Regional Director Grant Martin was on hand to guide and advise the group on how to implement election season strategies as well as future recruitment efforts. Mark Meckler joined us online for the first part of the meeting to talk about some of the history of the nine-year effort to finally get the resolution passed in West Virginia.

As always, Mark’s intimate knowledge of COS history and the COS mission made for a spellbinding presentation as he spoke on the benefits of dedicated, persistent effort which he exemplified with the story of the great abolitionist and mentor of Abraham Lincoln, John Quincy Adams. Along with Grant Martin and former State Director Barbara Thomas, he shared memories of the long battle that finally achieved victory here in the Mountain State.    


Before the business began in earnest, Mark took the time to congratulate Jay Taylor, the West Virginia legislative liaison, as Grant presented him with a COS Challenge Coin, a great honor that is seldom bestowed. Jay never took his eye off the prize for the entire nine years of working for the resolution’s passage.  


But the accolades weren’t finished yet. State Director Tracy Friend presented recognition awards from the WV team to both Jay and former State Director Barbara Thomas for their many years of dedication to the cause.  


Optimism was contagious as the team discussed the coming year’s activities. The presentation by Norm Launi and Kelly J. Kelly on how to build an active group at the district level was particularly appreciated by all in attendance.  

Our focus as a state team will, more than ever, be targeting building our grassroots through community activities to reach our fellow citizens with the truth of an Article V Convention of States as the founder’s tool to saving our country from a tyrannical government, and maintaining the relationship established for COS with our WV legislature.

You can find more information for the facts and history of Convention of States Action at Convention of States.  Review the material.  Sign the petition.  Get involved in this work to save our country.

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