One of the amendments being proposed by the convention of states resolution calls for term limits for elected and unelected officials in Washington.
Did you know that over the years we have had 33 congress people who have been in DC for 40 years or more? We know that not all of them are looking out for our best interests and yet they continue to be reelected by their constituents over and over because they bring home benefits to their states at the expense of the rest of the country.
Do you know what group of people is the most opposed to the idea of a convention of states? Lobbyists! They have built relationships with various members of Congress over the many years that they have been in office and have deals worked out with them such that the legislators will be paid back for passing certain bills that matter to the lobbyists and their clients.
Is this the way our system is supposed to work? Instead of bills being voted on based on the merits of the bill itself, how it will impact the United States citizenry, and the testimony presented to the legislature, they are passed on the basis of certain favors coming from the lobbyists and the large companies or organizations they represent.
Did you know there are 51 federal agencies? Within these agencies there are nearly 2 million unelected bureaucrats making decisions for us. And this doesn’t even include the number of federal civil employees spread across the 50 states. These bureaucrats are not elected and thus are not accountable to us.
This is not the way that our government is designed to work. The Constitution does not allow for all of these unelected bureaucrats to govern our lives. Did you know that included among these federal agencies we have a “Corporation for National and Community Service”? An “Appalachian Regional Commission”? And the “United States Access Board”?
I’m not even sure what these federal agencies do and yet they have been given power to wield over the citizens of Delaware even though we have not elected them, don’t know who they are, and probably didn’t even know they existed.
We need our Delaware Senators and Representatives to bring back power to our state government where the elected officials of our own choosing, can make wise decisions for the people of Delaware. This can be done through a convention of states. Please join us by signing the Convention of States petition.