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Convention of States!


Why I Joined Convention of States

Published in Uncategorized on January 21, 2022 by Van Warren Walter

I would like to tell you why I joined COS. I was born on August 26, 1945, in the suburbs outside Baltimore, Md. I grew up close to where the British landed at North Point, on September 16, 1814. British troops were en route to Baltimore City to burn it down. A few miles up the road, two young boys, Wells and McComas, shot and killed General Ross. The campaign fell apart. There was chaos in the ranks. The troops turned around, boarded the ships, and never again invaded American soil.

I was raised by patriotic people who loved their country and valued freedom. We believed in God and country. I attended Valley Forge Military Academy, Wayne, Pa., for a couple of years. While there, I learned the values of God, Honor, and Country. We learned American history. I loved to read about American history. I always felt a deep patriotism within my heart 

After high school, I volunteered for the U.S. Army. I took my oath upon entering the service and to this day, I honor my oath. It has no expiration date. It was a privilege to serve with the U.S. Army’s 173d Airborne Brigade (SEP) in Vietnam from May 1966 To May 1967. I was prepared to give my life to preserve the freedoms we all enjoy. I’m still prepared to die for freedom.

The government has overstepped its Constitutional bounds and needs to be tempered by us citizens. Remember this republic was founded for “We the People, by the People, for the People”. We have forgotten this premise.

I’ve recently discovered my heritage. I’m the 5th Great Grandson of a forgotten Revolutionary Patriot and founding father who gave his life at the Battle of Bunker Hill on June 17, 1775, Dr. Major General Joseph Warren III. Now I know where my fervent patriotism and quest for remaining free come from. It is in my DNA.

In my inbox one day, I saw a message about Convention of States. What is this all about I wondered? Well, I found an answer to combat the overreach we see today. I decided to join and I’m glad I did.

If you want to participate, read more about the Convention of States. If you sign the petition on the COS website, that is a step towards helping your country stay free from an overbearing federal government.


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