One of the reasons Convention of States is assertively pursuing an Article V convention is for restraining fiscal spending.
It's clearly evident the federal government just can't spend enough of our hard-earned dollars. And, if taxing you isn't enough for them, they just print more money. Either way, we have less or it's not worth as much.
Many of the expenditures the federal government has are not only unnecessary but useless to us, the taxpayers.
We know that politicians provide favors and paybacks for their supporters being big corporate entities as well as special interest lobbyists all for profit. Yes, with our tax dollars; sickening but not new.
What's even more sickening is how the current administration blatantly, disrespectfully and recklessly squanders these tax dollars we lawfully give so that we're provided with security, prosperity and services.
The disastrous, deadly and humiliating Afghanistan exodus will forever be in our hearts and minds for those we lost and abandoned. The $85 billion worth of brand new military equipment left behind available for our enemies is completely unacceptable. This expense written off by the current administration actually violates the 14th Amendment, particularly Section 3 & Section 4.
By not removing our military equipment loaded with national security technology, the administration has given significant aid to the enemy. As a result for doing so, besides the obvious charges of treason, the taxpayer does not have to "foot the bill."
Section 4 of the 14th Amendment clearly states; "Neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against there United States."
It further states: "...all such debts, obligations and claims shall be illegal and void."
So. if the $85 billion is illegal and void based on the current administration's decisions and actions, shouldn't they have to pay it, not you and me?
The point is, our money is completely wasted and disrespected by wealthy politicians who continue to grow our national debt. The one way out of this major dilemma is a Convention of States, in which all 50 states can impose fiscal responsibility on the federal government through proposed budgets and restraints.
Biden and the rest of the Washington elite won't stop spending, but we can make them through an Article V Convention of States. It's necessary for our nation's future prosperity.