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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Why Congress Doesn't Work Any More

Published in Blog on July 12, 2021 by Jeffrey W Brown

The stated goals of the Convention of States movement are to propose term limits, fiscal restraints, and limitations to the power of the government.  

What amendments would you propose to add to the Constitution to achieve these goals? How would you limit government?

Congress is not keen to make legislation for which they can be held responsible for unintended consequences. Congress would rather set an objective or goal and let the bureaucrats figure out how to implement Congress’ design.

The result is that Congress is abdicating its decision-making powers to un-elected administrative bureaucrats. It is risky to make decisions. It is better to blame administrators (who we cannot fire) than to accept responsibility yourself. This situation is not how our forefathers envisaged Congress should work. 

The whole objective of today's congressmen (and congresswomen) is to get re-elected. It is much safer to avoid risky decisions and concentrate on servicing your constituents, where you can ask, “If I do this for you, what will you do for me?” It is a safe track to re-election.

How would term limits affect this mode of operation? Do we want people in Congress to be re-elected for 40 years of service? Does re-election create an elite class of politicians that lose touch with reality? Is it desirable to have “citizen legislators” instead of professional politicians?

Only the people can fix these problems and force the government to act as our forefathers envisaged. Congress should be responsive to the people instead of their own self-interest.

James Madison (one of the Framers of the Constitution) said, “If all men were angels, we would not need a government.” Congress should restore its non-delegation limitation. The President should stop using administrative powers to subvert Congress. The judiciary should stop treating the Constitution as a “living Constitution,” subject to the whims of current thought.

We are the people, and the easiest way for bad people to take over a government is for good people to do nothing. Once a month write your senator and representative and let them know how you feel on the issues that concern you. 

An Article V Convention is the way to bring back the power of the people.
Run, don’t walk. Sign the Convention of States Petition and volunteer today.

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