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Why Biblical Citizenship Matters

Published in Blog on July 08, 2024 by Jakob Fay

Convention of States recently announced a new offering of “Biblical Citizenship in Modern America,” Patriot Academy’s signature Judeo-Christian civics class, hosted by Mark Meckler, Rick Green, and other guests, including Kirk Cameron.

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This class is inestimably important and desperately needed. Unfortunately, many of us have forgotten the Bible.

The Bible is the single most influential book in history. It dictates — and, when applied correctly, improves — man’s relationship with himself, others, loved ones and enemies, the government, and, supremely, the divine. Christians peruse this sacred text daily; indeed, we call it our “daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). We study it rigorously, for within the ancient volume, we find “the words of eternal life” (John 6:63-68). To us, it is more than just a religious work; it is our guidebook, our instruction manual.

True biblical citizens do not merely believe in God's Word theoretically; they actively live it out in their daily lives. We must not leave this book half-read and dust-stained on our nightstands. The Bible is intended to govern, rule, influence, and command every aspect of our lives — the physical and the spiritual, the heavenly and the political, the good times and the bad. For those who claim this book as their rule of faith, nothing remains untouched by the gentle, loving, all-encompassing lordship of its Author. He will ask for everything, and we are obliged to give it to Him.

He will ask for our views about government, finances, marriage, free speech, and guns. He will lay claim to our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor — not to mention our souls. To truly embody biblical citizenship, we must be committed to ensuring that every opinion and belief we hold is rooted, in some way, in the teachings of the Bible.

“Biblical citizenship” is no easy endeavor. Those who embrace this thoroughgoing lifestyle must reject the world’s political methods and cleanse themselves of conventional political norms — the vast majority of which are contrary to God’s Word.

For instance,

The world views Christianity as a delusional scourge and God as an obsolete crutch. Biblical citizens believe that loving and obeying God is the only basis for a strong society (Psalm 33:12, Psalm 144:15, Matthew 22:37) and that Christianity is the only way to God (John 14:6).

The world views the poor as a problem to be solved. Biblical citizens view them as valuable souls worth serving (Isaiah 26:4-6, 58, Proverbs 14:31, 19:17, 22:9, Matthew 25:31-46, Luke 3:11).

The world has normalized hatred, virulence, and vindictive self-defensiveness in politics. Biblical citizens are instructed to love their enemies, bless those who curse them, do good to those who hate them, pray for those who despitefully use them, turn the other cheek, intercede before God on behalf of government officials, and live peaceably (Matthew 5:39, 44, 1 Timothy 2:1-2, 1 Peter 3:9, Romans 12:17–19, 1 John 4:20).

The world celebrates sin with pride. Biblical citizens are called to live without sinning (Romans 6:1-7, 11-14, 22, Hebrews 12:14, 1 John 2:1, 3:5-6, 8-10).

The world views truth as transient and expendable. Biblical citizens embrace truth as embodied in the unchanging person of Jesus Christ (John 14:6, Proverbs 12:19).

Herein lie a mere handful of the many gaping divides between conventional political “wisdom” and God’s wisdom. Are you ready to break free from the ordinary way of living and embrace your calling as a citizen of heaven with an earthbound mission?

God is looking for a remnant of faithful followers — men and women who will not just profess His name, but follow His Word in every area of their lives. We must not forget that the Creator who endowed us with certain unalienable rights also made us; therefore, He knows how we work. He knows what we need as individuals and as a nation to thrive. The Bible, contrary to popular misconceptions, is not God’s arbitrary, motiveless list of dos and don’ts; rather, it’s His perfect, all-wise guide to true, enduring meaning and success. 

In the end, “Biblical Citizenship in Modern America” is so much more than just a civics class. It’s your chance to renounce the world’s flawed paths and embrace the timeless ways of the Savior instead. From July 15, 2024, to September 2, join Mark, Rick, and other hungry seekers in pursuit of truth. Most importantly, delve into the Bible for yourself and uncover the greatest book of all time!

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