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Convention of States!


Why Article V?

Published in Blog on June 04, 2018 by Brett Sterley

The Framers’ guiding principle when drafting the Constitution was how to create a central government that did not violate the unalienable rights of the individual.

Their solution was to divide government power between the three branches of government. Most are familiar with separation of powers. 

If you dig a little deeper, there is a more fundamental tenet. It is the dispersion of governing authority. The Founders established a government, “of the People, for the People and by the People.”

Governing authority lies with the individual citizen. The individual then delegates a portion of their authority to their state which delegates a portion of that authority to the federal government. 

This vertical axis of governance has been breached and consumed by a federal government that has grown beyond its Constitutional authority. If we are to continue as a free, constitutional republic, this dispersion of authority must be restored.

Washington, D.C., will not act to restrain itself. It is not in their political interest. More than that, it’s against human nature. The only way to restore the constitutional balance of power is through informed citizens being involved in the governmental process. 

The tool the Framers provided us to ensure the federal government did not abuse its authority is the Article V Convention of States process. The most complete and effective means of exercising that oversight is through the Convention of States resolution. 

Thank you for joining over 3.4 million of your friends, family, and neighbors in making the Framers’ vision a reality. If you aren’t already, consider volunteering on the state team.

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